Having bored myself silly, ascertaining there's nothing worth watching on TV , and having berated myself for thinking it might be otherwise on a Suturday night, I put BBC new on , accidentally left it running a few minutes too long, and got given a totally unexpected choice between watching "Match of the Day" or...wait for it...pressing the red button and watching Mogwai in concert.
Woot! Now I finally know what that red button is for
It's a good gig too. 
I tend to watch Casualty and The Voice, so those two keep me occupied, then onto Doctor Who.
I am sure I watch far too much mindless television and should be force feeding myself something more educational. 
yeah, but then you would spend all day chasing up links to fill in all the tiny little gaps in your knowledge
(I do readthe rest of this board)
Me, i hardly ever watch the actual TV. That's why I'm still figuring out the remote control 
(plus very poor visual memory doesn't help)
Yah, it is funny, as a child and teen, I watched endless documentaries on history, archaeology and nature, and yet, where the hell has all that knowledge gone? I think it all gets pushed out as new information is shoved in. Some people are blessed with phenomenal memories, but not me, it seems. My attempt, as you know, to get myself back into history last night, was a bit of an epic fail

But I can happily watch hours of documentaries on serial killers, forensics and criminal profiling... which simply leaves me feeling like some sort of sadistic freak, even if the crimes themselves repulse me. Hey Hum.