Grapefruit juice

OK, so right now I can not tell the difference between thinking and drinking. Sorry for starting in the wrong thread, but work with me here, I am showing early signs of vascular dementia, FFS!
I actually had a thought that I would love to share but I am just too embarrassed. KNOW one (see, I can not even use the write words1) ELSE CAN EVEN sea how hard this is ...
Well, OK, then, you have to have some context.
I have not had a dog in about five years. I have really missed having a dog.
We have rescued a small dog that is perfect for city living and he is incredibly intelligent. AND he LOVES my daughter!!
It is kind of like when we got the cat, it was for my daughter, but the cat chose ME, NOT her. My cat will have nothing to do with my daughter, except claws and fangs and cuts and scratches and growls and hisses and spitting.
CAT is awesome for me, but not what I wanted for my daughter, although my daughter has made the best of learning to love being scratched and spit at and maimed by this cat. (there is this thing called sensory integration and needing to feel clawed and bitten by this cat is one way my daughter deals with many things in her life; you just have to accept it from the cat's perspective as well as my daughter's)
Do not get me wrong, this is the most loving cat I have ever owned and I have had about fifty cats over my life, but this cat has chosen me and NO ONE ELSE, period.
... but this little dog seems to have chosen my daughter as the ONE human to identify most closely with. Obviosly I AM THE ALPHA.
But once we get all that shit straight, this awesome little dog has chosen my daughter as a familiar and they are seemingly becoming "Best Friends!"
SO what I am thinking is that I did GOOD by bringing just the right dog into this household. Actually it was my wonderful wife who found him and she was worried that I would not like him for being so small.
But hell, we live in the city. Any but a small dog would be miserable trying to deal with city living. I accepted him from a photo and then we went from there.
My daughter finally has a dog!!