We are NOT amused.
I find that my 30mg morphine xr tablets were, without consulting or even informing me, replaced with 60mg ones. I'd be delighted, if it were not for the fact that A, I got half as many, so keeping me on the same dose. But having the total dose condensed into half as many pills, removes my freedom to vary from day to day, as my pain level demands of me, either taking a little less, or a little more and compensating by taking that much less when my pain is at its lowest levels that week.
Just that little flexibility is really useful, so I'm going in tomorrow (and no I will not be giving the 60s back, fucking hell will freeze over before that happens

And B: the brand I got is different, and unlike the ones I got before, the 30s, this company's 60s gel up INSTANTLY on addition of water, and make it necessary to add quite a lot of water, not to mention dangerously, the requirement of pulling the solution through filters under bloody vacuum or high pressure traps air in there that isn't obviously visible.
The others do gel up and need a few filters per handful of pills, but there is sufficient time, given the ground up tablet/water slurry isn't heated up, to fill several rigs up and get out most of the morphine. The rest can be pulled out chemically.
These...ugh. Its like trying to filter soup. Or less appetizingly, a bowl of nasal mucus.
Barely possible to get the stuff into a syringe at all. Not pleased about that at all, although I managed in the end. Fucks sake, they are meant to make it convenient to shoot up