a taco...that just sounds wrong. Like pineapple on pizza...pineapple is just not meant to be cooked. Yeech. Love them, fresh, tinned, ADORE pineapple juice, but cooked, warm and made all mushy and tangyness-less..
Or white sauce of any kind, on anything, or cheese sauce. Some things one can tell are utterly foul even without having to sample thereof.
I have to say though, for mexi-munch I prefer enchiladas full of steak and wild mushrooms chilli, filled with lots of chickpeas, kidney beans, melted mozzarella (no, that doesn't count as disgusting white sauce or manky cheese sauce, molten actual cheese is different:P)
I prefer the soft, flexible enchilada or quesadilla wraps to crispy taco shells for the bit that holds the fillings together in a convenient to keep hold of wrapper. Especially with mozzarella melted liberally inside the core, for a nice chewy center. Tacos break and fall to bits too easily and sensory-wise the softer chewier texture is just more appealing.
Bugger...I'm hungry again now.
I think I'll go and grab a bowl of weetabix, or maybe a honey sandwich or two. And of course keep my eyes peeled in case there happen to be any more nice juicy pills to be found near where I found the one I just shot