I very much doubt anyone would sue me, but who knows? Not that I know why they'd sue.
Cause you pissed them off, why else do people sue? 
Europe has not been completely americanised yet. So, the suing culture has not been fully ingrained yet.
But, we're getting there. And it is making things less fun.
Odeon, better write that book soon, in ten years they would probably sue you.
Europe is becoming America? I thought that America was becoming Europe. 
Sweden is being americanised.
Same is true for the Netherlands. And the effects of the suing culture are already noticeable. Ten years ago, I would have been able to hire the gym for a kids party, and they would help me set things up, to make it a safe and fun playground for toddlers. Now they are not allowed to help setting things up, because they do not want to have the risk of getting sued, in case a kid trips and breaks something. So, there is no professional help, the situations will be less safe, but, the council hiring the place out will be safe from suing.
More of that is happening now.
Our politicians are looking a lot to big America on how to do things. Wanting to fit in things from the American culture, thinking it will not change the things that make our culture work. It does make things different. And big time too.