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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5985 on: August 12, 2013, 09:29:36 PM »
Odd, my post got moved into the post that Aspiemomma had already quoted. 

Anyway, those detectors would have to be pretty sensitive.  Afterall, we have to assume that at least some of the idiots trying to nuke a city are smart enough to use shielding during transport. 

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5986 on: August 12, 2013, 11:08:19 PM »
I really should take a few days off.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5987 on: August 13, 2013, 05:40:30 AM »
I want my morning shot badly. Not going without though, I am fine, got some oxy :)

Just got to cook up and slam it up...yummy.

1,3..,3...ahhhhhhhhh thats much better...all wrapped in cotton wool that gives out kanner's autistic-suitable affectionate cotton wool hugs lol.

And a few cups of tea too. Just made 2 cups each of an absolutely delicious blend by the name of lady grey. I'm not quite so fond of earl grey, but lady grey is lovely, especially sweetened with honey, and with a wee handful of freshly picked young lemon balm shoots, served of course without milk (EW! I absolutely cannot abide coffee or tea with milk; it just ruins the delicate flavors of a fine tea or blend, it really does; IMO might as well serve up a mug of hot, steaming dog piss as a brew contaminated with moo-juice)

The other was a blend with rose extract and rose petals, smells really fragrant, like proper roses do, again, just brewed up two hot, steaming, black brews, and drank all four within the space of about five minutes.

Also thinking, that I really need to give my stalker a call when its time she will be awake and about. Anyone know the time difference between GMT london and montana?

Fuck, I miss her. She is a very, very rare, unique, special and my god, absolutely stunningly beautiful woman. Getting close to 50 now, but she doesn't look it at all. One look from those hazel eyes, and I just melt; go weak at the knees and get butterflies in my stomach. She really is the most GORGEOUS young lady I have ever, ever had the good fortune to be permitted to look upon; and aside from that, she is not just my most trusted, valued confidant and friend, but also family to me. She may be my stalker, and has no genetic relationship with me, but nevertheless I count her amongst my blood family. And...well....she just has that effect on me, that  if I get an email from her, or hear her voice, the rest of the day and next day I'll be walking around with a great big grin on my face, feeling like a million quid :) And on the phone....heh, I find her voice and accent unbefuckinglievably sexy.

Known her for a good few years now, and not one single, tiny thing has changed that way, her voice, her eyes, her pretty smile and her tiger's soul, the way she is driven, courageous to a truly amazing degree and never gives up, never shrinks away in fear,never bacls down and will not slink away and hide in the face of adversity. A  strong, tough woman, with the soul of a bengal tiger in teh body of an exotic and very beautiful tropical bird of paradise.

Yet she is not full of herself. She knows full well she is one fucking smart, tough lil cookie, although doesn't seem to realize that what I told her about her figure, body, face, general looks all over, she won't admit that she could probably take any man or lady for her own (as I belong to her, mind, body, heart, soul if they exist, the motherfucking full works) with a mere glance and the ghost of a quirked up upper lip in a smile. Although I actually did not know what she looked like when we first talked over at AFF, I fell arse over tit for her before I had any idea what she looked like. All I knew was that she, was a 'she', she comes from montana in the middle of nowhere, very aloof and detached, and that she was, at the time, I think, 46 if I remember rightly.

If the phrase 'drop dead gorgeous' were literally accurate, then she would be a highly effective weapon of mass destruction :D

We are just broadcasting  on a very similar wavelength so to speak, she is one of only two people, as long as I have ever lived, with whom I have ever just 'clicked' with, the other being a lass called cazzie, younger than I am rather than nearly twice my age, again, it did not take long at all there.  Met cazz at a paintball game arranged by this local manchester group called aspirations, for speshul people...this kanner's autie goth girl, curvy, kinda tiny, not very tall at all, 5 something I'd guess.; and dead pretty. SHE was not in the slightest inhibited or shy about letting me know she wanted me, and was for that matter; going to TAKE me. I don't think she would actually jave given me a choice in anything that ways, she would just take me, and that, mister, is bloody well that!

MAJOR trekkie, wrote really filthy fan fic; had the hots for deanna troi (TNG), wrote fan fuckfick involving troi banging riker; and she shouldn't even have known about some of that stuff at her age, but she did, and was a pretty good writer too.

When we met, she did indeed just take me. Shoved me up against a tree at paintball gunpoint, pulled my mask away and proceeded to start playing tonsil-tennis. Then after we had spent some time in that delightful embrace, she told me her name, we swapped phone numbers, etc.  then went to arrange a meet up very soon after. Not long after that, we were engaged.

I was with someone at the time, in an awful, shitty relationship I wanted out of, so I left the girl (NT, and not very nice. A whiny clingy, jealous brat, with a face like a pitbull's arse after it just had its bollocks slapped with nettles, and a voice that can only be described as whay you would get if you were to try and play a severely out of tune violin with rusty strings, using a bow strung with a length of rotting cobra hide, and a fork factory-worth's lot of forks, simultaneously drawn down a thousand blackboards)

So I left her, I wanted to anyway, but cazzie reached out to me and rescued me; in a manner of speaking.

As for plants and radiation, etc. Well I am not totally sure, but almost certainly in some cases, although weather its fruit or not I do not know. Some plant species have specific affinities for uptake of certain elements from the soil they grow in, such as for instance, barium, arsenic, cadmium, and others. Indeed some of these hyperaccumulators have been used for bioremediation of contaminated land. Basic premise is that rapidly growing hyperaccumulators are planted in the area in question, and proceed to leach out these elements for which they have the specially great affinities, the plants are allowed to grow, suck up the contaminating elements and then are pulled up, and either burnt, extracted potentially if the material is valuable and the scale suitable to make it worthwhile.

An example of other plants uptaking (not nescessarily radioactive) other contaminating or toxic elements:

Locoweeds, of which there are a great many, in several different genera, mainly Astragalus and some vetches, contain a varying mixtire of really viciously poisonous (some contain swainsonine, an alkaloid which acts to induce an artificial lysosomal storage disease, from which those poisoned, do not recover if the exposure is great. The damage is permanent)

But some of them bioaccumulate selenium to such levels that they can cause selenium poisoningin livestock.
Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi, an indian plant used as an ayurvedic remedy) can hyperaccumulate lead.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5988 on: August 13, 2013, 05:47:54 AM »
  I believe the UK is 8 hours ahead of Montana.  So don't call too early!  :green:
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5989 on: August 13, 2013, 06:27:07 AM »
Thinking 'bout cleaning the painted woodwork outside. It suppose to be soft yellow of colour but is now a bit tainted/spotted/?. Don't like standing on a ladder but the weather is nice/okay to do it today.

An hour's work.. but the result will show. Like, really.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5990 on: August 13, 2013, 06:50:07 AM »
want my morning shot badly. Not going without though, I am fine, got some oxy :)

Just got to cook up and slam it up...yummy.

Also thinking, that I really need to give my stalker a call when its time she will be awake and about. Anyone know the time difference between GMT london and montana?

Fuck, I miss her. She is a very, very rare, unique, special and my god, absolutely stunningly beautiful woman. Getting close to 50 now, but she doesn't look it at all. One look from those hazel eyes, and I just melt; go weak at the knees and get butterflies in my stomach. She really is the most GORGEOUS young lady I have ever, ever had the good fortune to be permitted to look upon; and aside from that, she is not just my most trusted, valued confidant and friend, but also family to me. She may be my stalker, and has no genetic relationship with me, but nevertheless I count her amongst my blood family. And...well....she just has that effect on me, that  if I get an email from her, or hear her voice, the rest of the day and next day I'll be walking around with a great big grin on my face, feeling like a million quid :) And on the phone....heh, I find her voice and accent unbefuckinglievably sexy.

Known her for a good few years now, and not one single, tiny thing has changed that way, her voice, her eyes, her pretty smile and her tiger's soul, the way she is driven, courageous to a truly amazing degree and never gives up, never shrinks away in fear,never bacls down and will not slink away and hide in the face of adversity. A  strong, tough woman, with the soul of a bengal tiger in teh body of an exotic and very beautiful tropical bird of paradise.

Yet she is not full of herself. She knows full well she is one fucking smart, tough lil cookie, although doesn't seem to realize that what I told her about her figure, body, face, general looks all over, she won't admit that she could probably take any man or lady for her own (as I belong to her, mind, body, heart, soul if they exist, the motherfucking full works) with a mere glance and the ghost of a quirked up upper lip in a smile. 

Who is the stalker? You, or her?

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5991 on: August 13, 2013, 07:07:13 AM »
Thanks CBC. I know roughly when shes around, evening ish my time to early night (like 1-2am) but I wanted to know what the difference was so I could more accurately figure when to call her delightful, snugglesome self.

Eclair-she is.

Mein gott, am I ever completely fucking batshit crazy about this particular Truly amazing woman in every single possible respect. Highly intelligent, funny, always interesting to talk with, classically autistic, aloof in that classic autism type way, which I find incredibly sexy. Shes brutally honest, an admirable trait, I sooner people tell me a truth I do not like, than a lie to sweeten the bitter pill that must be swallowed nevertheless. Heretic returns the great respect  I have for her and will do that for me. She  respects me and cares for me, in her own unique ways; and for that, I truly do feel as though I am the luckiest man alive:)

In some ways, I feel almost rich, because she enriches my life just by deigning to be in it in any way, shape. I could be (and am at the moment...THANKS a septic bollock-boil-pus-slurping, cuntriddled pack of officious penpushing muslim-shagging ratmasturbators for leaving me with less than £100 A MONTH to eat, clothe myself, transport, and to outfit and stock my lab....need a new vacuum pump, and a high end one at that, something like a turbomolecular pump with liquid nitrogen traps,  backed up by twin-linked roughing pumps of the brayton-cycle fridge compressor autopsy results pressganged into serving as roughing pumps for the good ship cyclotron)

But even whilst in penury, whilst I wait for the appeal process to be over the fuck with, I still feel rich in life, because I live in the same world that Heretic does. And a world without heretic, would be a shitty place I would not wish to live in. Just featureless, dull, grey, flat expanse of hollow, joyless emptiness.                                                                                                                     
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5992 on: August 13, 2013, 07:33:23 AM »
Why do you ask, eclair?

I am no stalker. And heretic, well, she is, as I said, brutally honest and completely up front about things so she just came out with that and politely informed me that I was from henceforth, her stalk-ee (I.e the stalkER's 'victim')

Although I certainly do not see myself as a victim at all, Lol. Not in the slightest. And if I am, the more she victimizes me the better. I certainly, just hearing her voice is enough to make my entire, whole week :D
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5993 on: August 13, 2013, 07:43:58 AM »
Why do you ask, eclair?

I am no stalker. And heretic, well, she is, as I said, brutally honest and completely up front about things so she just came out with that and politely informed me that I was from henceforth, her stalk-ee (I.e the stalkER's 'victim')

Although I certainly do not see myself as a victim at all, Lol. Not in the slightest. And if I am, the more she victimizes me the better. I certainly, just hearing her voice is enough to make my entire, whole week :D

Based on your posts, it would seem that this Stalker is not a person, but the drugs themselves that stalk and consume you.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5994 on: August 13, 2013, 10:00:24 AM »
Lol wtf. 

She is most definite human, and real. Consume me? heh, I would certainly wouldn't have  any problem AT ALL with that at aLL
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5995 on: August 13, 2013, 10:24:12 AM »
Someone is gonna die

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5996 on: August 13, 2013, 11:24:34 AM »
heh, I would certainly wouldn't have  any problem AT ALL with that at aLL

Were you high when you wrote that?

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5997 on: August 13, 2013, 12:03:24 PM »
Effing church.

Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5998 on: August 13, 2013, 12:19:12 PM »
Hot tea, coming up.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #5999 on: August 13, 2013, 02:06:52 PM »
Oops, I just redoubled the 'at all' bit. She can consume me any day :D
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