I don't feel like a hard worker.... I'm just bitter, and a complete fool 
I feel the same way at walmart.......BUT.....I am a hard worker and THAT they can't take away from me. I will not be run into the ground for the glory of the walton clan.
I also work at Walmart
I remember that. My work group, caps2, just got run down because we're not "fast enough" unloading multiple trucks. AND for not caring, guess what, I DON'T, I do my best and FUCK THE REST. If they want me to work better, they should stop throwing more work and more obstacles in my path. Otherwise, I will do my job at my own pace and in my own time. I've been dealing with this for 3 years now. My group does twice the work at the store and takes 10X the shit. I'm only there to stay busy and do my part for the bill paying. I start SS soon and if they want to push me to the brink.........they can kiss my ass.