Had one of those ah-ha moments today.
I don't drive much, used to in my 20's, but after I was sick and had the kid it suddenly changed. I tend to be a nervous wreck most of the time driving, sometimes it got better and many times it got worse to the point of fighting off panic attacks daily. Never put 2 and 2 together and found out what helped equal "better".
When SO left for 2 years I didn't have a car in my name...so he used to leave me his huge F150 4x4 extended cab out of anger figuring I would never drive it and struggle like hell when I had to...and first out of anger also I made myself drive it...then I remember tooling around in that thing 24/7 not a care in the world...I just figured with everything going on in my life, the universe was just letting some of my other "issues" slide for awhile so I wouldn't completely lose my shit.
SO bought a truck from his brother last month. 2002 F150 4x4 Supercrew. It's a behemoth compared to everything else...and I've driven this thing quite a bit already...first out of necessity and the other times out of choice. He rode with me once and just looked at me strange and said "you look relaxed"...and so I am. It's a weird thing.
Thankfully it has a nice grab handle so that I can haul my 5' 1" ass up into the thing and adjustable pedals.