Author Topic: Post what you are thinking right now, part two  (Read 324542 times)

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10455 on: January 16, 2018, 10:06:45 AM »
At once a bit shook up, thinking back, after some exchange with FWM, about things that went on somewhere, quite some time ago. Bad things, really, really bad, dark things.

And at the same time delighted twice over. Once, because of both my recent glassware shopping, and twice because QV just informed me that one of my posts made the PR laugh:) Just the sort of 'pour me a shot of warm up my soul and make it a double' I needed after the reminder of those happenings.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10456 on: January 16, 2018, 12:15:25 PM »
I'm just glad the place was knocked down. Maybe, if a thing is bound in a place (the place was abandoned as living quarters for anyone, although it was obviously a hurried leaving, since I'd managed, before the calling upon the Arch Vile, to loot plenty of stuff from there, fuck someone in there, (an Ex GF, and an NT one at that, someone I couldn't stand either, coincidentally...or not...I wonder..some say there is such a thing as sexual magick, or at least a kind of energy in it. And that was nothing like me, to fuck her, I don't DO casual sex. If I'm with somebody, if I love somebody, I am a very, very VERY intense person, both as loyal friend and as lover. If I see somebody as being worth being with at ALL, then they are worth my giving every last little scrap of my being to.

I am just glad you never set foot in that place. At least, if you did, only when it was a clean place, not physically clean, there were everything from kid's toys, to baby's rattles and teddy bears to broken guitar IIRC, graffiti, a mattress that was used for fucking that ex that probably saw a few fuckings by fuck knows who fucking fuck only knows who else, to to the valium I looted and the at least £25-30 worth of good hash. A little dried out, but still, once a lighter was put to it, then it softened up and crumbled nicely into a mix ready to pack a bong with :D

There were rooms with used needles on the floor, those rooms were ignored after searching carefully, with a long stick, through the larger detritus to see if there was anything, like the bits of money found etc. and of course, having the pipes and what I could get of the window leading by bricking the windows from the inside (place had like 4-5 floors, really roomy, would even have, with a power supply for the hotplate etc. a generator or something, and suitable transformer, made a place for fly-by-night clandestine chemistry cooking for a meth cook or somebody engaged in that sort of business, quite a decent place, if converted a bit. )

Or at least it would have before it got its..history. The sort of history you don't read on the history channel on TV, and before it got touched by the Arch Vile, the thing that feeds on shrieking and writhing in agony, drowning in pus, and vomits out maggoty mouthed tainted words from the tongues of innocents who remain unaware of It having spoken using them.

I don't think anybody would want to use it for anything after that, indeed it wasn't long after the binding rituals were all done ASAP there by as many folk interested in both wicca and the left-handed paths, nobody, no matter how they leaned in what direction in that sense, liked that place.

IMO you wouldn't have to be told, you'd just run like hell if you are sensitive to that kinda stuff. You'd turn around and without a word, run like all fucking hell was nipping at your heels. And that was after the binding.  Before....it was the sort of place that overnight, went from a drinking and weed smoking den for me and my mates to somewhere you'd cross the road to avoid being close to, day or night. And if anybody was smoking there, it was somebody's soul, roasting on the devil's own BBQ grill, liberally seasoned with sulfur. And anybody drinking, it'd be from a rusted chalice filled with blood. The kind of fellow who'd make Aleister Crowley crap his pants and start saying hail mary-s.

And definitely not anybody on my xmas or go for a drink-with shortlist. And certainly not a cup I'd sup from with that crawling, greasy, oily faceless screaming horror of a thousand faces.

Shit, that thing could have come from any H.P Lovecraft book. Something Lovecraft's cat sicked up after eating a particularly 'off' rotting bird.

I know it sounds trite, but it really did have an 'other'ness to it, a wrongness, a sickening, slimy, seeping wrongness, an atrocity for it to simply BE. Like....C'thulhu-ness, if you get the idea, the sort of, scale of, kind of, feeling of foulness from somewhere else. Not hell...I don't even believe in the judaeo-xtian 'satan' or devil.

IMO the abrahamic faiths are just bastardizations of one or more presumable original faiths, and each other. Just another three similar, monotheistic religions deriving from one another and presumably from one or a coagulation of originating creeds of the polytheistic middle east.

So, no, I wouldn't, other than flippantly, refer to the Arch-Vile as 'hell spawn', but more..from somewhere else. And not somewhere people want to, or ought to be. and not a place they wouldn't regret being in if they ever went there. And sure as shit stinks not somewhere I'm going to be booking plane tickets to for a summer holiday.
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10457 on: January 16, 2018, 04:39:48 PM »
my karma matches one of my favorite songs, In The Year 2525 by Zager and Evans.
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My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10458 on: January 16, 2018, 11:14:09 PM »
I just noticed something...it was my six thousandth, six hundredth and sixty-something-th post just recently. And no it had no connection to what FWM and I were discussing either, I only just noticed. How apropos.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10459 on: January 17, 2018, 03:22:58 AM »
Ugh. I really, really, really hate mornings.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10460 on: January 23, 2018, 04:13:39 AM »
Spotted: another Charlotte looking mannequin

It's being used at an op shop, though. I wonder if they're willing to sell it  :orly:

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10461 on: January 23, 2018, 04:21:03 AM »
She has a funny-looking knee.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10462 on: January 23, 2018, 04:44:30 AM »
She has TWO knees, on one leg, from the look of it. Like a saggy tit hanging from a saggy tit. Only in place of a knee.

I wonder if she has some kinda mutated nipple/s in place of a kneecap/kneecaps on that side too :P
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10463 on: January 23, 2018, 06:02:22 AM »
She doesn't claim to be the best and most realistic mannequin in the world, only the funniest.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10464 on: January 23, 2018, 06:46:42 AM »
If you mean that hurriedly abandoned mansion, I don't know if anyone died IN there, ever.

Its more that things, dark things, black things, and very black things at that, were done in there by yours truly, that shouldn't have been attempted by anybody, ever, and not long after, the intended target of the infernal practices in question died of cancer, a very short time after. And after THAT, people that had no idea of the pretty damn horrible things done in there, even if magick doesn't and never has or will exist in any universe in any multiverse, ever, let alone this one. They were still pretty hideous; but said people had all that weird fucking shit happen around, to and creepiest of all, what seemed to be THROUGH them but not BY THEM. With no more knowledge or control over them than a blown up balloon would have of flying through the air when the mouthpiece was let go of.

And a young girl growling like she did in that simultaneous deep bass quiet roar of something that was patterened at least, after human male speech, and smooth, lilting, sinister not feminine but mechanical, computerized laughter-voice with just a hint of cackling under the surface.....god damn...and the things that she, or her body SAID....fucking hell that creeped the shit out of everybody, including other people who had bollocks all idea of the things done in there, or the things called upon there, anyone that heard it looked like their underwear just got shit in, and not by the people wearing those pairs of underwear either.

What am I thinking now......hm...half 'jesus fucking christ forgive me, and holy fucking fuck that was some sinister shit, worse than I've ever seen in any horror movie by a long shot, and I love horror flicks' and half 'well bugger me if this isn't another crate of something from china that I am really looking forward to opening, knowing that at least there isn't anything that might well eat souls for breakfast and wash them down with human blood and pick the teeth sprouting from its eyeless, pus-weeping black-fire-filled-shriveled-sockets with toothpicks carved from the bones of babies and kittens.'

CQ-is that actually you in your avatar, or is it a mannequin? if thats you, then you do a truly masterful (or mistress-ful, rather) impression of a mannequin-look for that pic. If thats you in the real live flesh then you ought to be rather proud of how uncannily mannequinesque you manage to make yourself look there)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10465 on: January 23, 2018, 12:04:05 PM »
If your nan doesn't, perhaps its her blocking out the trauma from having given birth to one of them personally :P

And funny bringing logic into it how? Logic should be used to examine everything, look for evidence and examine it.

In life, question everything. Only then may you ever find truth and know it to be so.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10466 on: January 23, 2018, 05:31:44 PM »
(playing fallout-tactics, squad arrived recently in brotherhood of steel bunker beta, and immediately set about sneaking around and thieving various items, such as ammunition, weapons and most importantly healing items, specifically a LOT of the scribes and elders are carrying 2 or 3 super-stimpaks, a rapid acting, very potent and effective healing medication)

Had my player-character, a sniper/stealth oriented character,  'kassi' just strip off her armor to increase, temporarily, whilst sneaking behind the base quartermaster who sells supplies to those with enough money to pay begin to busily relieve him of his personal possessions....some super-stimpaks and some small energy cells [a type of ammunition used to fuel many energy weapons, plus certain melee/unarmed weapons such as power fists and rippers [the former being basically an armored metal gauntlet with spikes on it and carrying an electrical charge, an unarmed weapon, in that the fighting is just the same as unarmed melee, only wearing vicious electrically charged spiked metal plated gloves with a strong tendency to make a squishy mess of enemies with just a punch or two, if they get up close, whilst the ripper is an 'armed melee' class weapon that is a long knife/shortsword-styled ultrasound-transducer transmitting high energy ultrasound vibration to the powered chainsaw-type big fucking teeth-equipped chainblade weapon that as the name suggests, whilst up close and personal only, without the ability to fire at a ranged target, as a sidearm for if an enemy closes in for melee, or to get in better range to fire something of moderate range like a shotgun, then they made a big mistake, as its fast to use, and rips straight through armor and whoever or whatever is wearing it like a hot knife through butter. Half shortsword vibroblade and half chainsaw, all tear your opponent to tiny little pieces of something that used to be meat. Close quarters only but horrifically damaging, and with a targeted strike that causes a critical hit then the result is likely to be either crippling of the limb/bodypart, of if to the eyes then instant out and out lethality, carving the wouldbe shooter like an xmas turkey. And when sneaking up on an enemy unawares from behind, then its one of the deadliest close-range weapons in the game. IIRC the only more lethal hand-to-hand weapon is a turbocharged cattleprod when set to 'overload' [uses up a full half of the power cell reserve in a single blow, but you only NEED one, even when the enemy knows your there and is charging towards you. Result of that is generally the hapless target exploding after the massive electric charge zaps them back into the last ice age, in lots of little pieces]

So for closeup, two of my 4-trooper squad are packing rippers and one of them, the best at up close and personal is carrying the squad cattle-prod person-exploder.

Weird thing....trooper 'kassi' ransacked the base quartermaster for his healing items and his small energy cells for her ripper...thats all she saw on the guy.

Then in comes another guy who is ALMOST experienced enough to gain another experience level, the squad medic 'stitch' to earn a little experience through a quick spot of thievery...and whilst he was about to pinch the rest of the small energy-cells, from seemingly out of nowhere in the QM's inventory to be looted from turns up a laser pistol. Not exactly much use for most of the squad, since currently only one of the four squaddies is skilled with energy weapons of the high-tech sort, he already HAS a laser pistol (unlike the rest of alpha-base, which USED to have laser pistols, at least until they were swiped, unloaded and sold back to the base quartermaster there, along with HIS own laser pistol :LOL:)

But where this one just came from I do not know....he wasn't holding it, since one trooper has a 'perk', an ingame earned talent with enough experience level-ups, that allows them to spot and assay the exact health of any non-player-character or enemy along with the weapon they are currently wielding, and the guy is packing a power-fist not a laser pistol. 'Kassi' went through his stuff and it wasn't there, then 'stitch' did, and it just appeared out of nowhere. Not complaining, since the medic guy is going to whip his armor off and then moonlight as a thief for a moment, so he can take the pistol and the remaining small energy cells and sell the emptied pistol back to the guy he nicked it from *grins*

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10467 on: January 24, 2018, 12:39:54 AM »
Thinking about lunch, a few hours early.
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10468 on: January 24, 2018, 03:45:23 AM »
Thinking that it is the evil, dreaded morning approaching, so its time for Lestat to go to sofa...ahem...bed.

Also, after reading an article...'how odd'...just read that apparently, in a veritable world of venomous insects, arachnids etc. that there has been discovered the very first known venomous crustaceans.

Previously it was thought there simply had never evolved any crustacean critter, alive in this day and age that could even be examined, as such, that was. Now, they've found some. Remipedia (remipedes), free-swimming, blind, long segmented crustacean creatures with an active venom delivery apparatus and what looks like it might well be some hefty ammunition loaded, with some parts of the venom based on totally unique, remipede-specific venom peptides, whilst others shared some similarity with stonus-toxin, one of the deadly (to humans unfortunate to tread on one if they are unlucky [debatable as to whether or not it would be unlucky for a stonefish sting to quickly off somebody treading on one, for the person, as stonefish stings are notorious for both potency of their venom and the incredible, agonizing pain brought on as a result of a sting.)

Remipedes aren't likely to be something to worry about, since they won't ever start swarming out of their habitats and attacking people, short of a horror movie with a very creative plot writer, these are blind dwellers of undersea cave systems, but it has been called into question whether sudden, unexplained deaths of cave divers at times may not have been the result of a bite from one or other species of Remipedia. If there is enough similarity in action to STX from stonefish, then the pain could well be so severe as to completely craze and disorient a diver and result in them never being able to be gotten out of the cave system, as if undersea cave diving wasn't already dangerous for a place to dive, stonefish pack a nasty collection of cardiotoxins, haemotoxic principles and venom components which cause pain so excruciating that people who do not die have been known to beg for death after being stung within the glands connected to their arsenal of stout, extremely sharp hollow poisonous spines, which inject venom should the creature be stepped on, acting like syringes and needles loaded with the venom of the stonefish, a collection of several species of fish in the genus Synanceia, which are, as the name 'stone fish' suggests, are extremely well-camouflaged and which look like squat, bloated, fat and once you actually know one is there, such as in a tank of fish, very ugly indeed lumps of seaweed-encrusted rocks, although once the spines are removed after being caught and killed, the meat is edible as the venom is proteinaceous in nature (and indeed the field-treatment for stonefish stings, along with those of other venomous fish such as weever-fish, some catfish species, scorpion- and toadfishes, stingrays etc. is to immerse the stung part of the body in not boiling, but very hot, as hot as the victim can tolerate, water, this serving to assist in thermal denaturation of their proteinaceous toxin fractions,) and like other venomous fish it is venomous, not poisonous, meaning once the venom itself has been subjected to the heat of cooking when preparing such a fish for the table, it is neutralized and broken down by the heat, just like the proteins in a steak, a pork chop, a piece of fried fish etc. are denatured and the meat rendered from raw dead critter to tasty food.

Although somehow, I don't see remipedes becoming flavor of the month in any restaurant any time soon due to their relative obscurity compared to the crustacea we know well and love to eat such as crab, lobster, shrimp, prawns etc....but could this solve some otherwise totally unexplained sudden-deaths in marine cave-divers? could it have been one of the Remipedia that got in and nipped them one? as yet that is unknown, with the creatures themselves only being discovered as venomous within a few years at most.

Quite fascinating reading...a truly venomous, as opposed to poisonous to eat, crustacean family, with both venom components completely unique within Remipedia, and some with sequence homology to stonefish venoms....a fish and a decapod, evolutionary separated by a long way, and isolated in habitat, sharing similar venom components. Fascinating. I've never actually SEEN a remipede, other than pictures, it'd be fascinating to see one in action, in a tank environment, hunting, or just to see one of these unique creatures. *spock's voice* Fascinating, Jim' */spocks voice*
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Re: Post what you are thinking right now, part two
« Reply #10469 on: January 24, 2018, 04:08:39 PM »
Thinking about open source. It's Elle's fault.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein