I'm just glad the place was knocked down. Maybe, if a thing is bound in a place (the place was abandoned as living quarters for anyone, although it was obviously a hurried leaving, since I'd managed, before the calling upon the Arch Vile, to loot plenty of stuff from there, fuck someone in there, (an Ex GF, and an NT one at that, someone I couldn't stand either, coincidentally...or not...I wonder..some say there is such a thing as sexual magick, or at least a kind of energy in it. And that was nothing like me, to fuck her, I don't DO casual sex. If I'm with somebody, if I love somebody, I am a very, very VERY intense person, both as loyal friend and as lover. If I see somebody as being worth being with at ALL, then they are worth my giving every last little scrap of my being to.
I am just glad you never set foot in that place. At least, if you did, only when it was a clean place, not physically clean, there were everything from kid's toys, to baby's rattles and teddy bears to broken guitar IIRC, graffiti, a mattress that was used for fucking that ex that probably saw a few fuckings by fuck knows who fucking fuck only knows who else, to to the valium I looted and the at least £25-30 worth of good hash. A little dried out, but still, once a lighter was put to it, then it softened up and crumbled nicely into a mix ready to pack a bong with

There were rooms with used needles on the floor, those rooms were ignored after searching carefully, with a long stick, through the larger detritus to see if there was anything, like the bits of money found etc. and of course, having the pipes and what I could get of the window leading by bricking the windows from the inside (place had like 4-5 floors, really roomy, would even have, with a power supply for the hotplate etc. a generator or something, and suitable transformer, made a place for fly-by-night clandestine chemistry cooking for a meth cook or somebody engaged in that sort of business, quite a decent place, if converted a bit. )
Or at least it would have before it got its..history. The sort of history you don't read on the history channel on TV, and before it got touched by the Arch Vile, the thing that feeds on shrieking and writhing in agony, drowning in pus, and vomits out maggoty mouthed tainted words from the tongues of innocents who remain unaware of It having spoken using them.
I don't think anybody would want to use it for anything after that, indeed it wasn't long after the binding rituals were all done ASAP there by as many folk interested in both wicca and the left-handed paths, nobody, no matter how they leaned in what direction in that sense, liked that place.
IMO you wouldn't have to be told, you'd just run like hell if you are sensitive to that kinda stuff. You'd turn around and without a word, run like all fucking hell was nipping at your heels. And that was after the binding. Before....it was the sort of place that overnight, went from a drinking and weed smoking den for me and my mates to somewhere you'd cross the road to avoid being close to, day or night. And if anybody was smoking there, it was somebody's soul, roasting on the devil's own BBQ grill, liberally seasoned with sulfur. And anybody drinking, it'd be from a rusted chalice filled with blood. The kind of fellow who'd make Aleister Crowley crap his pants and start saying hail mary-s.
And definitely not anybody on my xmas or go for a drink-with shortlist. And certainly not a cup I'd sup from with that crawling, greasy, oily faceless screaming horror of a thousand faces.
Shit, that thing could have come from any H.P Lovecraft book. Something Lovecraft's cat sicked up after eating a particularly 'off' rotting bird.
I know it sounds trite, but it really did have an 'other'ness to it, a wrongness, a sickening, slimy, seeping wrongness, an atrocity for it to simply BE. Like....C'thulhu-ness, if you get the idea, the sort of, scale of, kind of, feeling of foulness from somewhere else. Not hell...I don't even believe in the judaeo-xtian 'satan' or devil.
IMO the abrahamic faiths are just bastardizations of one or more presumable original faiths, and each other. Just another three similar, monotheistic religions deriving from one another and presumably from one or a coagulation of originating creeds of the polytheistic middle east.
So, no, I wouldn't, other than flippantly, refer to the Arch-Vile as 'hell spawn', but more..from somewhere else. And not somewhere people want to, or ought to be. and not a place they wouldn't regret being in if they ever went there. And sure as shit stinks not somewhere I'm going to be booking plane tickets to for a summer holiday.