Author Topic: Away/Back thread  (Read 222707 times)

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3510 on: September 26, 2011, 04:46:34 PM »
You can choose not to do callouts, but if you choose to continue posting here your credibility will suffer, not just with me but with others. If you know you are right, surely you can prove it?

I have just sent you all the explanation I ever intend to privately, in case you have any sincere interest, which I doubt...

I don't have to prove a thing to did that already...and as I do not intend to go on posting here I have no need to prove anything to anyone else either...but this is your playpen, so you must "prove" whatever you feel most comfortable "proving"...

Posting here is hard work, not fun, for me, and I only ever do it at all to show my appreciation of some of the people here, but it's no big deal and I am sure they can live without that.

Are you a chat bot ?

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3511 on: September 26, 2011, 04:57:15 PM »
I am not going to call it inappropriate to state that as an opinion, especially given some of what we post here for kicks, but I would consider it better argumentation for you to put some links, 2 or 3 would do, empirically backing your claim.

Well I am not going to, because it is the only honest way *I* feel, and the only honest reason why *I* will always ignore Odeon...and it is irrevocable...and I am not going to make up some bullshit you would prefer instead, but I am not interested in persuading anyone else to share that feeling with me.

Apart from the fact that most of you have a very different perspective on life to me (which is a factor in why you have such a solid group, that I will never be part of, after all), and see things, and people, a very different way to me...doomed to failure or not...striving to "prove" that Odeon is a negative of some kind in the heart of his own community would be a tacky thing to do.

Or, to put in very small simple words, I know you would love to have a row about this, because that is *your* way, but I wouldn't because it isn't *mine* , so that's not going to be able to happen.

...and this is probably where I should take my leave for another year or so. When I realised you could see me logged in to pm I didn't want to act like you all weren't even worth saying "Hi" to...because that is not how I feel...but I am so incompatible with the group here (and most of the planet too) that even saying "Hi" is such a minefield...I'd probably better not do it again.

Sorry about that...and I mean really sorry...

I don't see a need for you to go away for a year over this, but I also don't see Odeon in the same way that you do.

I like both of you and I'm puzzled why you see him in this way, so I looked back through your old threads to see if I could find the first post that might be a possible reason why you would be upset with him.  Is this the post where you started to form this opinion of Odeon?

could it be that this episode is simply an obsessive interest of yours?
maybe if you step outside yourself, if you even can, and look at the situation with honest eyes you will relise that this isn't that important?

I was thinking that same thing. Reminds me of another member here, EquiiSavant.

I honestly don't see you as being anything like EquiisSavant and I think that you had good reason to be scared of Aspire at the time the thread was posted especially since they were suing you.  Maybe you saw this comment as Odeon belittling your legitimate fear?

Offline Mechanima

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3512 on: September 26, 2011, 05:56:06 PM »
I don't see a need for you to go away for a year over this.

Oh that wasn't what I had in mind...I thought perhaps I would just stop coming here at all. I don't fit in, I don't like much of the group dynamic and I don't need to be here...

Not being here seems like the only sensible choice really. :)

I dropped in to check something out and someone noticed and I just didn't like to be around without saying "Hello" that's all.

I was perfectly happy to totally ignore Odeon without a further word for the very occasional times I drop in here. He pushed me for a reason so I gave him the only one I could...the truth...perhaps in rather more detail and/or more harshly than I would have done if I hadn't had a hangover, but still the only truth that will ever be in my head.

Having seen everything else this past week or so, knowing I am probably worn out and vulnerable he want to turn me into the target of a feeding frenzy and I am not going to play...

That's all there is to it...

I honestly do not even remember exactly when I set him to might even have been over posts aimed at someone else (it's more likely actually). All I know for sure is the impression of him that caused me to do it (which he has set in stone by his behaviour today) and the fact that I did not know until later that it was his board and was quite surprised when I found out.
After I did there was no question of me spending any significant time here, that would just be wrong, and I had no intention of making a deal of it and, to be honest, it's not very likely I would ever have spent much time here otherwise either.

I am not a people person, and I have more social demands on my time, online and off that I am actually comfortable with already. In case you haven't noticed, and appearance I make on any board is pretty objective and impersonal.

This is not a situation that either can, or needs to be, resolved...

...and i am not the kind of masochistic fool who is going to let Odeon use me as a punchbag for luls...that's just the way it is.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3513 on: September 26, 2011, 05:56:38 PM »
then gtfo


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3514 on: September 26, 2011, 05:58:56 PM »
I have never seen anyone spend so much time crying about leaving without actually leaving.  Even TCO finally fucking left.  Showing your hand, that you are so concerned about what this group thinks of you that you are incapable of leaving without responding to everything said, really isn't going to help you in the long run.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3515 on: September 26, 2011, 05:59:53 PM »
If she doesn't like us, this place, or the dynamic..maybe she IS a masochist  >:D


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3516 on: September 26, 2011, 06:05:03 PM »
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3517 on: September 26, 2011, 06:06:14 PM »
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is  :viking:


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3518 on: September 26, 2011, 06:07:27 PM »
I think that dozens of posts on a message board explaining in great detail about how you dont want to post on a message board is pretty silly.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3519 on: September 26, 2011, 06:11:54 PM »
then gtfo

 :agreed: :plus: This person seems to bitch a lot about nothing!   ::)


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3520 on: September 26, 2011, 06:19:38 PM »
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is  :viking:
It stinks members can't tell who's ignoring them anymore with the new format.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3521 on: September 26, 2011, 06:21:34 PM »
Physically blocking words from your screen because you can't just block them with your mind is  :viking:
It stinks members can't tell who's ignoring them anymore with the new format.

I was just about to ask if there was some way to tell if someone was ignoring us. I didnt think so but I swear I read someone say "Is that why you are ignoring me" or something like that, implying that they knew they were being ignored. Thanks for inadvertently answering my question, lol

Offline Mechanima

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3522 on: September 26, 2011, 06:34:35 PM »
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.

Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3523 on: September 26, 2011, 06:40:02 PM »
Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.

Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...

It must make you sleep easier knowing that your dormant account at a site that you don't intend to visit is blocking all the words that make you feel sad.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #3524 on: September 26, 2011, 06:42:39 PM »
I didnt think so but I swear I read someone say "Is that why you are ignoring me" or something like that, implying that they knew they were being ignored.
It might have been odeon; would assume he could tell.

Only reason I can see you at all is because the board format has changed and I haven't found the ignore button...not yet.
Ignore button is gone. Have to go to profile/account settings/modify profile/buddies-ignore list and add the name manually.

Thank you Jack...I always find that feature very relaxing...
You're welcome.