O hai guyz I'm back from my weekend, whats been happening? 
O hai! Well, Eclair is trying to get the guys to post their parts, also a bunch of birthdays are coming up soon! 
Welcome back YOURMUM!
Wouldn't you agree that turn about is fair play, so if there were a guy who continually hassles ladies for their parts, he should also oblige?
But maybe not just pics of their parts (there's no risk involved in that, if the pics go viral on the net nobody will know it's their dick). They're gotta be incriminating n00d pics. After all they hassle us for those too.
That's what I said. But apparently, their cocks are SOOOO *ahem*, 'memorable', that they have gone alllll shy. Even Lit, the Slut Of The Century is being all evasive....although we did get an ass shot from him. Bless.
It's been quite funny, just in itself. You can almost *feel* their cocks shrinking with embarrassment.