Never really know if people's photos are real and don't care much. Only saying it doesn't make sense to publish photos on the internet if there's any real concern over identity theft.
Thats true. I was not saying it wouldn't happen to me(stealing my identity) by posting photos in the internet, but it would scare me if it did. (That sentence didn't really make sense, but anyway)
I mean I just recently got a call from the police asking me if I had lost a wallet a while ago, which I had. They had my lost wallet from a year ago because they had arrested some guy trying to use my identity for credit card fraud. And he didn't use my photo off the internet, he didn't even know who I was. But he was prosecuted irl and I don't believe it should be any different on the internet. So, I am not naive to the risks, but I do try to be as safe as I can. I am just saying that this sock puppet thing is scary because I would not like it to happen to me. I would certainly not do it to someone else, no matter how well I might know them.
It is just my opinion based on life experience and my understanding of common decency. Just because we live in a world of free speech, and so on so forth does not mean that we should run amok with it at the expense of common law, even if the internet is "lawless". I am a writer and whatever I post on the net is subject to plagiarism, but on my website which is a registered domain name, it is subject to copyright and I pay for that, so that I am protected and in a position to take legal steps if it is violated to some degree.
Posting my picture for me, comes with certain amount of gravity. I have to weigh up the potential pitfalls of doing so. I am polarised and fight with myself over it

I might be very old fashioned but I have a strong view on "right and wrong". I try and not be a bigot due to my idiosyncrasies, but I believe in the right to privacy, no matter what platforms of media you use, the right to be free from molestation or harm, the right to choose and the right to die.