Due to a careful considering of bits and bopg I'm leaving this form for good. It has all been perfectly wonderfl in the year or more but I might to find a light fr myself out there. I need a boyfriend or a girflriend (which Im certaily not gonna find here) and I need to concetrat on my ueducation becase I want to escaoe frim this place I call hour as soon as ever. Also I need friends. Most of the people who i talk to from here are on MSN so anyway who facies to, syat in touh.
You are all fab. This has beig a strange experience getting on this forum and knowing you all, but I need social life. I eed to fuck my anxiety in the ass and start leaving the house ad workig.
And fuuuuck I'm gonna regret what Im posting but hands feel wobbly and do dos my eyesght.
So, see ya. I guess