I got back from Australia yesterday. My flights kind of sucked. Everything went pretty smoothly (though it sucks when you're on a 12.5 hour flight and you have a window seat and have to go to the bathroom) until I boarded my flight in San Francisco (which was going to Chicago). We sat in the plane for like 3 hours before takeoff because there were storms in Chicago causing the flight to be delayed. By the time I got to Chicago, I had missed my connecting flight from Chicago to Newark.

I ended up having to spend the night in the airport, but luckily, security took me to this other room to stay in, and it had a TV. I ended up not sleeping anyway, and I had a 6:30 am flight to New Jersey. It's weird being back, especially since my family moved while I was gone. I'm in a new home now...it's nice, but weird.