
Author Topic: Away/Back thread  (Read 228102 times)

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Offline Lucifer

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #990 on: December 09, 2008, 03:53:12 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

take care and journey well, old git.  :P

/waves goodbye, sadly.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #991 on: December 09, 2008, 05:17:46 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

Trying to generate some goodbye drama?

No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.   

Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord.    I was that close to the end of my rope.  So don't throw "drama" at my face.   ::) 
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 08:07:55 PM by ozymandias »


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #992 on: December 09, 2008, 05:18:21 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

take care and journey well, old git.  :P

/waves goodbye, sadly.

Watch your mailbox!   :laugh:

Offline WolFish

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #993 on: December 09, 2008, 06:52:11 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

Mark Twain: “Never argue with a [troll], onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”


Offline Phlexor

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #994 on: December 09, 2008, 11:12:43 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

Trying to generate some goodbye drama?

No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.   

Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord.    I was that close to the end of my rope.  So don't throw "drama" at my face.   ::) 

But I didn't.

What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.

But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.

Offline Lucifer

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #995 on: December 10, 2008, 02:37:12 AM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

take care and journey well, old git.  :P

/waves goodbye, sadly.

Watch your mailbox!   :laugh:

:hug:  :-*

/gets excited!


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #996 on: December 10, 2008, 06:17:25 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

Trying to generate some goodbye drama?

No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.   

Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord.    I was that close to the end of my rope.  So don't throw "drama" at my face.   ::) 

But I didn't.

What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.

But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.

I thought of a lot of things to say in response to this, but, I now realize that anything I say will be emo'd over and above the norm.  Just like you did on AI when I tried to get you to calm down there.

So I will say once and for all. that I truly wish for you be an admin. on an AS forum.  Then you will realize what a thankless, lousy job it is, dealing with a certain bunch of people who if you do not kiss their ass or massage their sensitive ego's will stab you in the back at the the slightest pretext. 

This is my last post on I2, enjoy roasting the bones over the coals of your rage. 

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #997 on: December 11, 2008, 07:51:58 AM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

Trying to generate some goodbye drama?

No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.   

Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord.    I was that close to the end of my rope.  So don't throw "drama" at my face.   ::) 

But I didn't.

What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.

But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.

I thought of a lot of things to say in response to this, but, I now realize that anything I say will be emo'd over and above the norm.  Just like you did on AI when I tried to get you to calm down there.

So I will say once and for all. that I truly wish for you be an admin. on an AS forum.  Then you will realize what a thankless, lousy job it is, dealing with a certain bunch of people who if you do not kiss their ass or massage their sensitive ego's will stab you in the back at the the slightest pretext. 

This is my last post on I2, enjoy roasting the bones over the coals of your rage. 

Umm? What rage? I think you are imagining too much here. And yeah, I would never want to admin a forum, I like myself too much to put up with that bullshit. No one forced you I guess.

I guess I should thank you for showing your true colours and true feelings. At least its better than the calm everyman's friend that seems like it was a complete lie. I can't talk for anyone else, but the last few months that you were posting on here showed that mask crumbling away.

And I don't know why you keep bringing up the shit that happened on AI. I wasn't that upset over it and I never gave you hell over it no matter what you think. Those 2 were complete douchbags in my opinion and I played with the board rules to fuck with them. It kinda helped that they did stupid shit. But like you suggested, if I wanted to carry on with people like that online, then I should come here and do it. I thought it was fair advice at the time and I still do.

If you think it was just a way to get rid of me from there because I was a pain in the arse, then I guess the loss is all yours in a way.

Go have fun where ever life takes you and try not to let it get your panties in a knot too much I guess.

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #998 on: December 12, 2008, 12:35:45 PM »
Goodbye Intensity, it's been fun, but, it's time I moved on.    Take care to those of you I care about (you know who you are) and .......................well, I have said enough! :mushie:  It's just time I stopped the charade!

The people who I care about and care about me, know how to reach me! 

Trying to generate some goodbye drama?

No and if thats what you think of me, then obviously it's time I did leave.   

Oh and btw, you nearly got your ass shit canned from AI for your "drama llama" reaction to stupidjerk and timelord.    I was that close to the end of my rope.  So don't throw "drama" at my face.   ::) 

But I didn't.

What I'm referring to is that if you want to leave here, just leave. I think making a public statement over it is a way to get attention over leaving, that's all.

But I do appreciate the lying either now or before over your opinion on the situation with stupidjerk and timelord. Not something I would have expected from you, but obviously time has shown your true character.

I thought of a lot of things to say in response to this, but, I now realize that anything I say will be emo'd over and above the norm.  Just like you did on AI when I tried to get you to calm down there.

So I will say once and for all. that I truly wish for you be an admin. on an AS forum.  Then you will realize what a thankless, lousy job it is, dealing with a certain bunch of people who if you do not kiss their ass or massage their sensitive ego's will stab you in the back at the the slightest pretext. 

This is my last post on I2, enjoy roasting the bones over the coals of your rage. 

Umm? What rage? I think you are imagining too much here. And yeah, I would never want to admin a forum, I like myself too much to put up with that bullshit. No one forced you I guess.

I guess I should thank you for showing your true colours and true feelings. At least its better than the calm everyman's friend that seems like it was a complete lie. I can't talk for anyone else, but the last few months that you were posting on here showed that mask crumbling away.

And I don't know why you keep bringing up the shit that happened on AI. I wasn't that upset over it and I never gave you hell over it no matter what you think. Those 2 were complete douchbags in my opinion and I played with the board rules to fuck with them. It kinda helped that they did stupid shit. But like you suggested, if I wanted to carry on with people like that online, then I should come here and do it. I thought it was fair advice at the time and I still do.

If you think it was just a way to get rid of me from there because I was a pain in the arse, then I guess the loss is all yours in a way.

Go have fun where ever life takes you and try not to let it get your panties in a knot too much I guess.

It's not just you, Phlexor.  I also noticed Ozymandias' increasing peevishness over the past few months even before his reaction to my PPLWGIC comment sent him off the deep end, but I figured that it was just part of his seasonal issues. 

I think that Aspergian Island is down for the count because Crucibelle did not renew the domain registration when it expired back in June.  Now the URL brings up a travel site.  Here is better than there anyway, IMO.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #999 on: December 12, 2008, 01:31:13 PM »
Is Ozymandias on his periods or something?  :P

Offline odeon

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #1000 on: December 12, 2008, 02:16:03 PM »
On his period (singular). Only one at a time. ::)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #1001 on: December 12, 2008, 02:25:09 PM »
He has been it for considerably more than a week so, I call it "periods".  8)

Offline Lucifer

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #1002 on: December 12, 2008, 02:29:33 PM »
damn.  i saw lit had posted in this thread, and i got all excited.


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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #1003 on: December 12, 2008, 03:22:57 PM »
damn.  i saw lit had posted in this thread, and i got all excited.


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Phlexor

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Re: Away/Back thread
« Reply #1004 on: December 13, 2008, 10:13:12 AM »
On his period (singular). Only one at a time. ::)

Well there is that woman that has 2 vaginas...