"If it looks like a , and quacks like a , we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands." - Douglas Adams (English Writer) 1952-2001
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I think it would be a good idea for me to take a break from this place...
Może się jeszcze kiedyś zobaczymy Jak narazie moja obecność tu jest zbędna.Nie mówiąc już o upokorzeniu którego się panicznie boję Wrócę tu jak przeczytam wszystkie książki, obejrzę wszystkie filmy i może zapomnę.Pa.
Sometime it can see else as it is useless my presence here narazie. I will return about which (who) humiliation panic buoy not saying already here as I will read all books, I will observe all movies and it can forget. Pa.
Er, it looks like I'm gonna piss you all off for a little while longer.That is unless I find myself a different hobby other than reading or watching films