I'm back
I've been using this avatar and username for a while. If you're going to use the account, it would be nice if you changed it to something else. I'm actually glad someone else wants to use it too, and will step aside so you can post as someone other than me.
Am i the only one who's a bit perplexed by this interchange?
Oh hey, I just realized you have the title of Elder. http://www.intensitysquared.com/index.php/topic,20865.0.html
Ahhhhh! yes, it all makes sense now. thanks.
oops! almost sent you a PM. Now *that* would have given somebody a laugh
actually, i broke my own rule , just now
i have not been reading that board, not in years cos, ahhh, some people over there objected to my status, on account of my pathetic post count. so i voluntarily withdrew from the board to save argument. hence my half-assed attempt at postwhoredom, atm.
at my current average post rate, you can expect to see a post from me there c. 2029
Some people will always object to something. Never mind them.
thanks, odeon
umm, i can't recall who objected now. they might've left. but, like you said, there will always be someone. this is gonna sound like a serious piece of brown-nosing, but i was mostly thinking it would make your job easier, since you have to arbitrate these things. and i seriously think you that do an incredibly good job, and don't deserve the hassle.
nobody (except gopher) particularly notices i'm an elder, so long so i don't stick my nose in the elder's forum... hmm. unless they grouch about it there, ofc. i wouldn'thave noticed that would i? (eek! where's the "paranoid" smiley? )
but hey ! i surely AM a bleedin' elder by now!and i intend to keep that title
just didn't feel like storming the freaking castle.
i dunno.
but , really, thanks!