Kassi sibley, the autie activist spesh kiddie's gymnastics coach, on occasion political agitator,.
She's fairly wellknown in the spesh scene online. Think slim, longish dark hair, hilarious dry sarcastic wit (IMO her tongue is probably sharp enough to flay the scrotum from one of those tiny insectivorous microbats in mid air from 500 yards off

, when she wants to turn it on some poor deserving git), otherwise, damn fine mind she has, one of the relatively few and far between people I can actually have an intellectual conversation on an equal level, stimmy as hell (Which, not that I officially spoke a word...but that just helps add to the drop-dead gorgeous factor too ehe, Kassi is one mighty fine lady it must be said xD).
Just, not seen her active over the web, and haven't seen her on IM clients either for quite some time. Kinda just hoping nothing happened to her.