You would be ultimately responsible if it did. Not that it's likely to happen, but yes, you would be. Cause and effect. You caused the meltdown, and now you clearly admit to doing it for the lulz and to see how far you'd go. If you'd fucking let it go before it got to this stage and defused it like rossco had suggested, it wouldn't have gone this far. So stop trying to
shove and avoid what is fact. YOU are responsible for this - not me.
No Steve. It wouldn't be my fault that you would beat your family senseless. It would be your fault. Your reactions are your responsibility, and yours alone That really makes you sound like a danger to the people around you. You really do sound like the type of person who should never be let within a mile of women or kids.
Why should I be responsible for deffusing a situation before you have a meltdown? It doesn't bother me if you throw a tantrum on the site.
You're the one with a problem. It is your responsibility to control your problem.
You obviously have no legal training, or any idea of law. It's not only the man who pulls the trigger in a shooting, for example, but the people up the line that ordered the kill and supplied the weaponry. Of course that applies to who 'knowingly' committed the act. So, you being the one who pushed by creating a meltdown where something happened would be ultimately responsible for any circumstances arising from said meltdown. Doesn't surprise me you don't know this, as you probably skipped school because of your lack of respect for authority etc. Read rossco's item again about meltdowns. It is NOT the responsibility of the person having the meltdown to control it, as they are beyond control. Only another person can do this. You really are thick. Jesus Christ, you sound to me like the obnoxious little tart who would stand on a street corner in London egging on 2 skinheads having a fight, just to get her lulz. And if the cops ever busted you for a crime of any sort, you would do anything you could to worm your way out of it. You'd even blame the poor sod lying under Tower Bridge if it got you out of a charge.
Pathetic pissweak trollope. And if you thought I was more venomous to you, then I'm glad I got that reaction. Go shove a broomstick up your arse.