Hello from Auckland, today I drove up the Coramandel Peninsula and noted similarities and differences with my native stomping grounds on the N. California coast. The road there is Highway 25 and it is winding as all get out. I took a bunch of pictures and I hope that enough will come out well to post here. I found some Lady Grey tea from Twinings which I have not been able to find in the USA so I bought 3 30 teabag boxes of it so I can have some to take back, a poster at WP mentioned it to me some months back as being Earl Grey tea with a bit of citrus added for a different flavor. Things cost a bit here so I'll probably get a few hundred more NZ$ from Travelex so I can still make it to Taupo. Because I was tired and cranky yeaterday I almost got off on the wrong foot with this trip, but then I figured out that being out of sorts here would be a huge waste of time and money. I have other posts to make so I'll get off here for now.