This, carefully delivered telephone introduction could mark the end of any high points in your day.
My youngest brother-in-law had his wife call me on Friday night and he he wanted to ditch his his oldest brother, who already knew(but did not want to have his oldest brother take over another family tragedy)and was making a nuisance of himself. He wanted ME to take him to identify his son's body, instead of his brother.
(It will be a closed casket ceremony.)
This bro-in-law, who wanted me to drive him, is the same bro-in-law who beat himself half to death a few weeks back having a massive seizure and put himself in the hospital with two broken clavicles and a broken wrist, which he appparently broke by beating himself in the face during the seizure. He spent three days in intensive care and has just gone back to work, still wearing a cast. Now, he will be burying his oldest son.
This makes four nephews I have had to put in the ground. About a year before I joined here, It was my youngest brother's oldest son. This is my wife's youngest brother's oldest son, who was killed in a car accident on Friday morning.
This guy, who I have great respect for, is looking to me and my wife, more than the rest of his family for support through this ordeal. (I'm am baffled as to why)
Anyway, no point in any extension of emotional condolences - I just wanted everyone to know not to worry about why I may be scarce over the next few days
I am beyond drunk as fuck, well over my limits, and I will be getting drunker still, because, everyone else in the house is totally wasted and already sleeping, even though the sun is still up and it is nice weather out there. (I haven't missed work, yet.) My bro-in-law is on heavy drugs and sleeping also. I am sending text messages to all who have my cell phone number and turning it off in about ten minutes.
I will be back around after a few days.