I voted utilitarian but I still don't see how right to arms, drugs, and suicide are negative. Yeah, suicide is one of those things where most people see it as a tragedy and since we can't tangibly argue about the existence or lack there of in reference to God it stands to reason that its a bit ambiguous even if the person doesn't hate themselves as much as they just hate this world, being a human being, and maybe their understanding of what we really are and their wanting no part in it got a little too carried away emotionally. As for arms - its a crime deterant, criminals will have them regardless so would you rather have citizens seem less vulnerable to crime or more vulnerable. Drugs - that depends on what drugs we're talking about, weed seems to help a lot of very high-strung and otherwise intelligent people calm themselves down in a rather fashionable way (as opposed to haldol or risperidal) so they can live productive lives and any kind of trip - mushrooms, LSD 25, mescaline, can add to someone's perspective immensely as well as help people even overcome neurological disabilities psychologically to a point. With respect to crystal meth, glass, ice, crack, coke, and other speeds I can't say I've heard much positive from them, opiates I can't say other than that they're strong enough in terms of addictive value to get people to pawn prized possessions or even rob to avoid DTs' - particularly if someone's banging heroin instead of blowing lines, and if they say you can get so far out of touch on it that you could even half starve and rot your teeth out then its recreational merits are far outweighed by side-effects.
On the list of positive rights - sounds like entitlements and I think they should be there for those who don't have the capacity to keep up with society but those who can need to get off their lazy asses and pay just like anyone else. In other words I think the Medicare/Medicade idea is good but as far as people being given things, again, goes back to the fact that as human beings we'd rather take the path that gives us the most for the minimum effort (its really all economics) and that means if we didn't have heirarchy delivering all kinds of reputational pressure we'd all be signing up for those services and who'd be left to flip the bill. Yeah, you could take like 50% of a person's paycheck who's willing to work in taxes but that starves industry, government gets huge, and the second government has unilateral control of healthcare it means that you have big brother in your life telling you what you can or can't do even moreso than now.