So haw far should the government go in respects to regulation to insure people are safe? I understand certain basic safety laws are not a bad thing but this world in inherently dangerous. Case in point there was a drowning at a a state park that is less than one block from my house. At that park there is an island about a mile offshore connected to the mainland by a tombolo (this is your word for the day

) and it is accessible at low tide. When the tide comes in it's covered and there are some very strong currents flowing over it and all around the island in general. There are numerous signs and warnings at multiple areas as you come into the park and on the web site
link . Every year I would say two to three people drown in the area of the island. The widow is calling that it be closed the state says no (thank god) but she is making a stink. There is too much regulation as it stands why do we need more to protect people who should know the risks. OSHA is another fine example that has really pissed me off lately but I will refrain for now about ranting on that one