
Author Topic: 12 Significant Events That the Mockingbird Media is Currently Ignoring  (Read 1981 times)

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This has been going on way before Rupert Murdoch. It's been fairly common for the "mainstream media" in the US to ignore certain news for others that grab the attention of the American people.
Looks like that would be the core difference of view here. Rather than believe the public are fed what they want to consume, am more inclined to believe the public are fed what the powers that be want the public to consume, though that might be from reading a bit too much :tinfoil: 
Yes, that is another way to look at it. I didn't think about it in that way but it does appear to hold as true. If you look at it that way, then this goes all the way back to 1798[?], whenever the first Sedition Act was passed and Adams was president. Part of the Sedition Act heavily implies or outright states, that if whoever doesn't print what the government tells them, then they're in violation of the law and will be fined or imprisoned. If you move further into when Lincoln was president, he outright censored and had anyone imprisoned that didn't report what the government told them or imprisoned anyone that gave a pro-south viewpoint. Throughout history of the US, this seems to be the case, the media reports what the government, in a way, tells the media to report.

If I misunderstood  what you were saying, my fault.
No problem. Yes, there wasn't much control over the media until after the vietnam war, and that's about the time Murdoch started building his empire.

Offline Tommy Johnson

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What problem do you have with Rupert Murdoch business/media that you don't have with others?

When you ignore all the commentary shows on those stations, they all report the same exact news.


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What problem do you have with Rupert Murdoch business/media that you don't have with others?

When you ignore all the commentary shows on those stations, they all report the same exact news.
News Corp may rank under Warner and Disney, but they're more entertainment than news. Tend to try to avoid it in general, though not surprised the news is all the same, as much of it's produced by the same conglomerate.

Offline ProfessorFarnsworth

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Maybe the media hasn't covered Fukushima because only one person has died from it (had a heart attack from cleaning operations) compared to the 15 thousand who died from the tsunami and earthquake.  Our media barely covered the pollution threat from the 9/11 attacks ( was that due to fear our country would put a moratorium on future skyscrapers?

All I can say is that Fukushima is definitely the worst nuclear disaster in human history, and worse of all, it's still ongoing with no end in sight. That's the real scary part.

You won't hear of deaths immediately because you need to be exposed to at least 2 or more sieverts for a guaranteed death within a month. But bear in mind that radioactive particles like Iodine, Caesium and Strontium bio-accumulate in the bones and tissue as they tend to substitute Potassium and Calcium in the body, and the radioactive Iodine replaces the Iodine in your Thyroid. The good news though is that, radioactive Iodine poisoning can be prevented by ingesting Potassium Iodine just before exposure to fallout to flood the Thyroid with Iodine. Also the other particles may be expelled months later, or so they say.

However with that in mind even if it a small dose of a few microsieverts, it's safe only if you don't constantly ingest or inhale the contaminated source because otherwise it accumulates in your body over time, subjecting you to a higher daily dose and eventually, health problems as a result. That's also why no-one can compare dosages from radioactive fallout to getting multiple chest X-Rays or Cosmic radiation, as they're vastly different ways and time scales of exposure. It bugs me how the media conveniently forgets to point this out when the nuclear industry tries to bullshit with such arguments of comparison.

TL;DR: You won't hear much because it'll take years to show it's true devastation.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 01:46:24 AM by ProfessorFarnsworth »
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Tommy Johnson

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Maybe the media hasn't covered Fukushima because only one person has died from it (had a heart attack from cleaning operations) compared to the 15 thousand who died from the tsunami and earthquake.  Our media barely covered the pollution threat from the 9/11 attacks ( was that due to fear our country would put a moratorium on future skyscrapers?

All I can say is that Fukushima is definitely the worst nuclear disaster in human history, and worse of all, it's still ongoing with no end in sight. That's the real scary part.

Incorrect and they're not really even covering it up.

Offline Tommy Johnson

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What problem do you have with Rupert Murdoch business/media that you don't have with others?

When you ignore all the commentary shows on those stations, they all report the same exact news.
News Corp may rank under Warner and Disney, but they're more entertainment than news. Tend to try to avoid it in general, though not surprised the news is all the same, as much of it's produced by the same conglomerate.
You're mixing up commentary with the actual news.

Offline ProfessorFarnsworth

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  • Good news everyone!
Maybe the media hasn't covered Fukushima because only one person has died from it (had a heart attack from cleaning operations) compared to the 15 thousand who died from the tsunami and earthquake.  Our media barely covered the pollution threat from the 9/11 attacks ( was that due to fear our country would put a moratorium on future skyscrapers?

All I can say is that Fukushima is definitely the worst nuclear disaster in human history, and worse of all, it's still ongoing with no end in sight. That's the real scary part.

Incorrect and they're not really even covering it up.

O RLY? I call bullshit on that. Tell me that when it's officially over, because it's still ongoing, that you cannot deny. Multiple reactor meltdowns and structurally compromised spent fuel ponds, yes, they've really got it under control. I still remember how they said they was no meltdown originally in any of the reactors and everything was under control, and months later they revealed a meltdown occurred in Unit 1, 5 hours after it lost cooling on the first day. ::)

EDIT: Never mind, I know your game Delta, mind you, I'm still willing to play the victim. :green:
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 02:56:08 AM by ProfessorFarnsworth »
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Semicolon

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I can't decide whether to have a pizza or a pot noodle for me tea

I want a pot noodle now.  :(

Eat Bodaccea's avatar. :zoinks: :toporly:
I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.


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It's worse technically, but the reactor design compared to the likes of Chernobyl is more modern. The impact it will have in terms of radiation spewing all over the place would be smaller than Chernobyl.
*checks for extra fingers*
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 06:55:25 PM by Schleed »


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Americans are turning to alternative media that agrees with their point of view & politics, not to get the truth.

Most sense I've heard all day.

From studying media, there is some form of bias regardless where it came from. You will never get the truth, but what they think what happened. The only way to see the truth is to see and study it for yourself, rather than listen to some nutcase armchair activist.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 07:00:18 PM by Schleed »


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Americans are turning to alternative media that agrees with their point of view & politics, not to get the truth.

Most sense I've heard all day.

From studying media, there is some form of bias regardless where it came from. You will never get the truth, but what they think what happened. The only way to see the truth is to see and study it for yourself, rather than listen to some nutcase armchair activist.

But since what most people get comes from a journalist of some kind, it's very hard to get first hand information.

I think the best people can do is compare and contrast news from several sources.

Offline El

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Americans are turning to alternative media that agrees with their point of view & politics, not to get the truth.

Most sense I've heard all day.

From studying media, there is some form of bias regardless where it came from. You will never get the truth, but what they think what happened. The only way to see the truth is to see and study it for yourself, rather than listen to some nutcase armchair activist.

But since what most people get comes from a journalist of some kind, it's very hard to get first hand information.

I think the best people can do is compare and contrast news from several sources.
And the sources journalists speak to lie like you wouldn't believe, anyway.

Kinda curious- what forms of 'alternative media" do folks on here use?
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

Offline Callaway

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Americans are turning to alternative media that agrees with their point of view & politics, not to get the truth.

Most sense I've heard all day.

From studying media, there is some form of bias regardless where it came from. You will never get the truth, but what they think what happened. The only way to see the truth is to see and study it for yourself, rather than listen to some nutcase armchair activist.

But since what most people get comes from a journalist of some kind, it's very hard to get first hand information.

I think the best people can do is compare and contrast news from several sources.
And the sources journalists speak to lie like you wouldn't believe, anyway.

Kinda curious- what forms of 'alternative media" do folks on here use?

If it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll do an internet search to see as many different points of view as I can find about it.

For example, I recently searched for ATF's Operation Fast and Furious.


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If it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll do an internet search to see as many different points of view as I can find about it.

For example, I recently searched for ATF's Operation Fast and Furious.

What a retarded clusterfuck that was.

All the ATF ever does is waste the taxpayer money.

They're an anachronistic leftover from the Prohibition era.


Offline Callaway

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If it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll do an internet search to see as many different points of view as I can find about it.

For example, I recently searched for ATF's Operation Fast and Furious.

What a retarded clusterfuck that was.

All the ATF ever does is waste the taxpayer money.

They're an anachronistic leftover from the Prohibition era.


Apparently, they videotaped people without criminal records in gun stores illegally buying guns for others in quantities that made them illegal, but rather than arresting them and taking away the guns, they allowed them to deliver the guns to the people for whom the guns were purchased, hoping to catch the ringleaders instead of just the purchasers.  Of course, some of the people getting delivery of the illegal guns were the heads of drug cartels in Mexico, who used them to shoot a border agent or two.
