I do think he is goofy looking, and have no idea how he gets the hot chicks he has got in the past. Maybe it's insecurity that makes him such an ass to women.
From what I have found out, he comes from a family with money and influence. He sounds like he thinks he's entitled to do as he pleases and nobody should question him.

What did he say that sounds like he thinks this, or are you basing your conclusions on what you've heard about his family's status?
Well considering how Alex has behaved in the past (with the removals of posts he didn't like and banning of members who said things he didn't like) , I'd think that's a fair conclusion to make about him IMO.
How his family are has probably just added to it , given the fact his dad is a lawyer would probably only give him the view that he could be invunerable as daddy will always bail him out.
Maybe only stuck on the wording on this one. You seem to be saying he acts like he thinks he's entitled to do as he pleases and not be questioned based on his actions. Not really disagreeing here, as it's his site so he may very well be entitled and think such. As for his family, really can't make any comment. Maybe he feels shielded; maybe he feels pressure. Have never read him talk about his relationship with his parents, so couldn't even guess.
I understand why you questioned my post. I try to be fair as well, my job as an emt demands I be impartial. BUT, this has been a recurring theme over the places I have gone to on the internet. This is my gut feeling and may be slanted as I have become "friends" with people he has alienated. Unless somebody comes up with evidence to contradict that feeling, it's one I feel is the best feeling and opinion that fits in regard to one, Alex Plank. I'm seriously interested in and have studied psychology, especially with my own AS dx. I'm not the best at wording things, so please tell me what your stuck on.