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jetson on WP died

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--- Quote from: shima on November 02, 2006, 08:14:42 PM ---

It is unclear if he killed himself, had a disease, or killed himself because he had a disease.

I was thinking we could build a memorial of copying all his posts here in a single thread, or is that not a good thing to do?  I just know eventually all his posts will get buried with time, it would be nice to immortalize them somewhere.  He had 1219 posts.  If we did 100 a day we could have it up in 12 days.\

His custom title was "The Map Maker."

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yeah, i heard about that :(

Whilst I understand your reasons for wanting to remember him through his posts, do you really think its appropriate to steal his words and repost them on a site that he never joined?  How do you know how he even felt about Intensity?  Perhaps reposting his words here would be the last thing he would want as a memorial.

I agree with PI on this.


--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 03, 2006, 06:10:32 AM ---Whilst I understand your reasons for wanting to remember him through his posts, do you really think its appropriate to steal his words and repost them on a site that he never joined?  How do you know how he even felt about Intensity?  Perhaps reposting his words here would be the last thing he would want as a memorial.

--- End quote ---

Thanks PI,

I totally agree. This thread will be an excellent memorial to him on Intensity².

I never knew him or but I've seen his posts. I always feel lessened when someone commits suicide, for any reason. I hope that's not the case with him.

RIP, Jetson.

I'm confused, I was actually saying that I didn't agree with stealing his posts from another site and posting them on here, a site he never joined and I site that we don't know how he felt about. I understand people not wanting his posts to get buried on WP but that's going to happen here too eventually.


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