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jetson on WP died

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And Shima's already busy creating that thread...


--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 03, 2006, 06:34:22 AM ---I'm confused, .....

--- End quote ---
I think, we're on the 'same page', here. I would hate to see his posts stolen, too.
I meant that THIS thread (right here), would be sufficient as a way to honor his life.


How sad....he was  really cool guy.



--- Quote from: DirtDawg on November 03, 2006, 06:43:28 AM ---
--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on November 03, 2006, 06:34:22 AM ---I'm confused, .....

--- End quote ---
I think, we're on the 'same page', here. I would hate to see his posts stolen, too.
I meant that THIS thread (right here), would be sufficient as a qway to honor his life.

--- End quote ---

Thats for explaining that- yes I don't think we need to steal his posts to remember him.

Ok, I will delete it-- that's why I asked, while it seemed ok to me, often my judgement on these issues isn't very good.


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