Let me run down the possibilities here.
buttcoffee - possible, given his knowlefge of the site and his run-in with several people here. Could be masking his identity by trying a different writing style, but there are some things that can't be hidden.
Chair - The Missouri Chair Company reference in Patton's record company subsidiary was a hint, but the IP suggests he may not be Mr Frechette afterall.
Richard - Patton can spell, and hasn't said anything about his Peter.
peaguy - would have tried to do more serious damage, and his style is nothing like Patton.
Calandale - no, I don't think so. Why would Cal bother when he would be having so much fun ripping Charles apart.
Soiledarse - Lack of racist bullshit rules him out.
Pentagram/Duke - possible, but he usually chucks a major wobbly within the first few posts.
Meadow - doesn't have the brains or the talent.
Razortwat - hmmmmm......
Waiting in anticipation to see who obvious troll really is.