Semicolon: This is what he said -
I had to quote you to figure out what you wrote. You seem to care quite a bit to bother with you're glowing big red/yellow letters that move. Evidently, you don't know what a troll is. I've disabled any big, colored, or moving words/fonts after the first person complained that thought I was telling another how to post. Oh well.
No. I asked him to back up the part in bold. Charley Patton hasn't offered any explanation for how that would be accomplished.
What browser are you using? The first I would say is disable javascript for this site and that will help with certain annoying things. For the annoying smileys, there's an option in the account settings for that.
Charley Patton offered these two solutions. He offered one solution specifically for the smileys, and another solution (disabling JavaScript) for other unspecified annoyances. I pointed out that disabling JavaScript wouldn't affect BB codes used by SMF, which is what controls font size, color, etc. That was the annoyance that Charley Patton originally cited.
I was curious if you could back up your assertion. Disabling JavaScript won't change the size or color of font. I think that you can't stop BB codes from working; you just didn't want us to know that you had been trolled. 
He also listed technical terms in a way that suggested that they might be solutions, but he didn't actually specify any solutions. I asked for facts, not insinuations. I have no problem pointing out that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
I know I can. You may not think it's possible, but it is. Semicolon meet options on this forum preferences, web browser preferences, css, javascript... and more.
For context:
I always thought it was ridiculous when people said something like posting in a different color makes their eyes hurt.
Are you REALLY that sensitive ?
If so, stay out of the sun, avoid children, and just never leave your house. You may see a billboard, and be frightened.
I have this thing called Autism, ever heard of it? Some Autistics are sensitive to colors, just like other Autistics are very sensitive to sound, light, touch... etc.
How can you not know any of this???
I had to quote you to figure out what you wrote. You seem to care quite a bit to bother with you're glowing big red/yellow letters that move. Evidently, you don't know what a troll is. I've disabled any big, colored, or moving words/fonts after the first person complained that thought I was telling another how to post. Oh well.
I don't think that you can do that.
I know I can. You may not think it's possible, but it is. Semicolon meet options on this forum preferences, web browser preferences, css, javascript... and more.
Please spell out how you can do this.
What browser are you using? The first I would say is disable javascript for this site and that will help with certain annoying things. For the annoying smileys, there's an option in the account settings for that.
I am running Firefox.