Author Topic: Assisted suicide on tv  (Read 662 times)

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Offline Adam

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Assisted suicide on tv
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:45:16 PM »
There's been quite a bit about this in the news lately

1. some guy in a wheelchair on Emmerdale (fairly popular soap) whose boyfriend and mum helped him die

2. the terry pratchet program on BBC2 this week about Dignitas and assisted suicide in general

A lot of people have apparently complained about this kinda thing being on tv. Surely it is something that needs to be discussed though? (ie the BBC program) and there are plenty of worse things shown on soaps (ie murder, rape and violence)

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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 04:46:18 PM »
A lot of the complaints about the Terry Pratchet program btw were centred on the guy who died near the end - his death was shown on the tv as he drank the stuff and then died next to his wife.

Do you think that kind of thing is wrong to show?


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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 04:51:05 PM »
I believe that a person has the right to decide when to die.

It's kind of depressing though, because Sir pTerry has hinted he plans to do it some time this summer and is rushing out the next Discworld book Snuff to get it done in time. I can only hope this is incorrect conjecture.

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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 04:55:19 PM »
The problem with Alzheimers tho is that they need to do it BEFORE they actually need to do it, if that makes sense

Because to get permission, they need to be totally capable of expressing that they are fully aware of what they want

Which is another reason it should be legalised in the UK

I hope he feels capable of postponing it as long as possible, but still be able to go through with it when it is necessary if that is what he definitely wants (which seems to be the case)

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2011, 01:11:33 AM »
Yes, show it on TV. It's good when it becomes clear that it is nothing freaky.

Assisted suicides in case of severe illnesses and suffering happen. If it is illegal, it will happen in secret. And it is family and a GP to carry the burden in secret.
If it is legal, there is the burden of loss, there is the burden of helping someone die, but not a burden of illegality and secrecy on top of that.

Good thing of having it happen more in the open is that it is easier to make sure that the dying wish is of the patient, and not pressure from family.

Alzheimers and illnesses like that will always be a problem when it comes to euthanasia. There comes a point where you can't make sure it is the wish of the person to die with Alzheimers.
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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2011, 09:06:02 AM »
I once saw a documentary from years ago at school about euthanasia, and they were in this couple's house when they were just about to euthanise the woman's husband. It was so sad and moving.
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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2011, 09:21:47 AM »
I think that we do not get a choice in when we come into the world and giving us a choice to go out is humane. I saw my Grandfather dementia ridden and in pain from his cancer and "helping him" fight off morphine induce snakes trying to "get at him". Fuck that.
In a moment of surprising clarity he said "Ross I just can't manage the pain anymore"
I said "Grandpa you are dying and you have struggled so hard and we are all so proud of you. It is time to let go and stop fighting"
He confessed he wanted to see my Aunty. She had come over from South Australia and days before and he had not realised.
He saw her and died shortly after.
I have thought many times on the conversation and what would have prompted that moment of clarity.
it upset my dad when I told him and he did not believe me until I said verbatim what he told me and he said "That is my Dad alright"
I also had misgivings saying what i did to him but later realised it is what he needed and he died no in resignation or by being forced but in peace. Being given a gentle way out.
That is what euthanasia is and no only would i wish to grant that on my Grandfather rather than the horrible journey he had but myself were i in the same position or anyone I loved.
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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2011, 06:05:45 PM »
I strongly belive people should have the right to assisted suicide. I've watched my great aunt suffer from dementia for amlost 2 years now. She is in constant pain, can't move or speak, and doesn't know who anybody is. I know she would have wanted to die long before she got like this.

Opponents of assisted suicide claim that allowing people to choose to end their lives will result in others being forced to die, and they may have a point, but it's wrong to force life on people who want to die, just to ensure that nobody feels pressured into suicide.

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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2011, 12:31:39 PM »

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2011, 12:44:25 PM »
Here terminally ill people who want to end their life with the help of their doctor have to get a second opinion.

The second opinion is there for several reasons. One of them is to relieve the GP of having to do it all alone, another very important thing is that they want to make really sure that there is no pressure on the sick person to die. Has to be the choice of the patient, no family or other pressure.
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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2011, 03:04:51 PM »
Here terminally ill people who want to end their life with the help of their doctor have to get a second opinion.

The second opinion is there for several reasons. One of them is to relieve the GP of having to do it all alone, another very important thing is that they want to make really sure that there is no pressure on the sick person to die. Has to be the choice of the patient, no family or other pressure.

I think that sounds quite sensible. A lot more sensible than our system.

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Re: Assisted suicide on tv
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2011, 03:12:54 PM »
Here terminally ill people who want to end their life with the help of their doctor have to get a second opinion.

The second opinion is there for several reasons. One of them is to relieve the GP of having to do it all alone, another very important thing is that they want to make really sure that there is no pressure on the sick person to die. Has to be the choice of the patient, no family or other pressure.

I think that sounds quite sensible. A lot more sensible than our system.

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