Just been reading about this man who ran a marathon dressed as a snail for charity and then got sacked for not raising enough money!>
Action for Kids fundraiser hoped to raise at least £100,000 for the charity but received about £20,000.
The 49-year-old former footballer from Essex, who has raised more than £5m for charity over the years, said he was "shocked" by the decision.
He was accompanied around the course by people dressed as other characters from the Magic Roundabout including Florence, Dylan and Zebedee.
He suffered nosebleeds and vomiting as he crawled the course at the pace of a mile a day.
The fundraiser said: "The trustees made their decision just 11 days after I'd finished the marathon."
Action for Kids spokesperson said "Whilst his involvement in the marathon significantly raised our profile it did not result in any increased funding,
and in fact, cost the charity several thousand pounds."
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-13751871 I think they are being very mean. On the other hand this man was a paid employee of the charity
(something about being paid by a charity seems wrong to me) and i guess if he didn't perform
as his contract they have the right to get rid!