Let's face it, the only person who sort of stood up for me in this whole drama is Sir_Les. And even he is being made to feel he shouldn't have. People I thought I could talk to and join in with them in their communtiy have in this past few weeks decided that they would heap shit on me because I didn't fit their "image" of what it was like to be a member here. And people I might have thought could back me up decided to fence-sit or choose the other side because they didn't want their reputations hurt or their credibility attacked. So isn't it any wonder I am pissed? And what happens to all those who gang up? Pats on the fucking back and "good on ya, that'll teach him.
" type of bullshit.
I've had to fight shit all my fucking life, yet when I seem to get to a place where I thought I might "fit"m U get shit thrown at me still. And shit thrown for doing what everyone else is doing as well.
So, if I piss people off with what I said, look at it from my side of the floor. Then you might have an idea of what I'm on about.
And this is meant for the whole membership.
The friends you have here, me included, repeatedly suggested you don't take the bait and try to steer clear of the flames. It is bloody unfair of you to make it appear as if the mud-slinging was one-sided (as in, against you) and you were an innocent victim bullied by the whole board, with your friends standing by in the sidelines watching, when the reality is that you gave as good as you got.
Who started what I don't really know or even care about. We've all had our share of mud-slinging through the years, deserved or undeserved, but we have managed to move on without having to insult everybody on the board first for no other reason than those on the receiving end having had the indecency to post there.
Considering how you most likely are no more NT than I am, you're pissing on yourself too when attacking everyone here for no other reason than a dx, one that got several of us bullied in the past without us having to utter a single word or even look in the bully's direction.
Friends, in my opinion, should come forward if a friend is bullied, sure, but also when a friend is out of line.