I've posted this before, but due to timezones and my insomnia, I was often the only one on zOMG when she would have some of her struggles post troubling things and I would chat with her and try to help her by just being a friend. Due to the age difference, some other people gave me shit about me being friendly with her and made it out to be I was perving on her. The night she did it I was not online and I don't think anyone else was either. I was at the World Series in Boston. I doubt it would've stopped her and even if it did it may have just been delaying it, but I will always feel like and wonder what if I had been online. I also wish I hadn't been less friendly because of the perception of others.
I had a somewhat similar situation pre-internet with a friend in college who ended up commiting suicide. Because I was the "loser" nerdy kid and wasn't cool, I was the group punching bag on my dorm floor swcond year. My friend was "cool" and tried to keep up that persone, but his dad was abusive and he confided in me and I became that for him, while I kept his secret and stayed the group punching bag. I transferred the following year due to money issues with my parents and he ended up committing suicide. Woul me still being there have prevented it? Probably not. But again, I always wonder if having me to confide in still might have helped.
Are these logical, rationale arguments? Of course not. But I will never apologize for caring about my friends at trying to be there for them.