Scrapheap: I'm sorry to see that you are no longer on this board. If perhaps you're ever lurking as a guest and come across this, know that you sound like a truly remarkable individual and I would definitely like to have a conversation at some point. Your assumptions that I enjoy science were definitely correct, but I am not as many science-y folk I've met who have become limited to that. I like to explore a whole range of topics, as I imagine you yourself also do. I have truly enjoyed reading the things you've written around this place, and despite never 'knowing' you, you will be missed.
Callaway: Hello to you! I've been spread around a bunch, everything from autism boards to transhumanism to physics to complete stupidity to psychology. More often than not, I like to hang out in the IRC's of a a forum. But not WrongPlanet. I tried that IRC for months, trying to find a 'breakthrough' point. It never happened. Never jived with me. Not my people and not my style.
lutra: Thank you kindly.
Cassanova Frankenstein: Hello!
Parts: We are borg already and I'm not sure we can be assimilated in more than one collective simultaneously. And I am here to stay. Never, ever doubt me. (That's bullshit. ALWAYS doubt me.) Else be ready to face the wrath.
CBC: I'm sure I'll have fun with the smilies, and most certainly with chatting with you.

Al Swearengen: Most certainly. Fearless.

Okay, not quite entirely fearless, but I see fear as a weakness and a bar to freedom, something to always be overcome. (In a rational way. I'm not going to walk up to a lion in the wild because it freaked me out and I had the compulsion to overcome my fear. I'm not that psychotic. Yet. )
odeon: Thank you very much. I truly look forward to conversing with you, as you seem like an interesting individual. You'd have to be. Look what you made!

Also, definitely not going to scare me away. In fact, that's a challenge. I only got lost in the time warp once by the way, and I said some seriously prolific things. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see these for a while yet.
Squidusa: You remind me of someone who constantly roams a site about sociopaths who goes by Medusa, in username and personality. Are you the same gal? If so, and perhaps regardless, you might be getting a callout soon.

Semicolon: Thanks. I am here to stay. How dare you doubt me?!

Butterflies: 'Ello.
Calavera: Hello. I'll admit, your aggression in saying 'hi' really did make me piss myself in fright and then question every ounce of self-confidence I have ever attained. How could you be so rude? I just wanted to talk. It was you who chased me away. I was scared to say anything, for fear it would be the wrong thing and your anger and aggression would become explosive and you would find me and show me exactly what sort of rage you contained.

"Hi" is simply just too intense for me.

You may be correct about the illusion. In fact, you are most likely correct. Don't be butthurt about my absence and return. You are one of the people I am absolutely most interested in speaking to here. Also, your idea about the self-sovereign 'immoral/illegal' testing country really piqued my interest, as I recently had a similar conversation. Also... Yes.
hykeaswell: Yes. Yes there will be more than an opening post. I'm curious to see what doors open up as I post, indeed. I think it's worth it. It better be worth it or it's on your head.

Adam: Not much, man. Lol. Yourself?
midlifeaspie: I know you're gone, but no. Never was the case. Assumptions and such.

And I normally somewhat enjoyed your posts. But, you probably are all bad, at least a little. But that's fine. That's the way I like it.
Queen Victoria: Expect to be fucked with. You asked for it.
bodie: Firstly, I'll soon be asking you about your 'bitties' as was suggested in another thread. No OD's here, nor prison, nor broken fingers. I take that back. I actually did break the hell out of my hand within the past couple years, got a few pins and what have you. I still typed one-handed during that timeframe though and was certainly not the reason for my absence.
Osensitive1: You're gone, but thanks anyhow.
ranaeden: Hello, thank you, and I most certainly will post more. Thanks for the tip.
eris: Thanks...

Toad: I guess I'll be the one to say hi. Do you have significant padding on your fingertips that makes you good at massage?
That's enough for one post. I'm glad to be back. I hope you're prepared.