All Canberrians are urged were possible o avoid walking by themselves and to avoid walking close to or underneath trees where possible, especially at night. Quite simply put there have been sightings and reports and they are slowly expanding their population and moving evermore into Canberra.
So what is a drop bear? They are little furry bastards that dwell in trees and are related to the koala bear. In fact in most ways. (You can tell why I hate Koalas). Their method of attack is dropping off tree branches onto the victim or latching onto the victim as it passes a tree.
They are carnivores and have sharp teeth and talons. They will endevour to bite through the neck if they can. If you survive a drop bear attack, the injures and infection will REALLY fuck you up. Believe me it is no certainty that you will survive especially given the tremendous damage they can inflict in this area in such a short time. They hit artery and "Goodnight thanks for coming and have a feed little fella I can't stop you"
So now I guess I have to be a little more careful where I go and how close the kids are behind me and avoid those trees.
Oh other Aussies, I hear they are heading your way too