It must be awful for you. Wolf, from what I remember, was very nice. I don’t know what his interests were, but I wonder if you could maybe make some friends from them, even if you weren’t interested in those particular interests (!) at the time.
Welcome back, btw. 
Thank you.
He kind of didn't have friends except for me and people here. I did at one point get in a conversation about fountain pens with a group of autistic people elsewhere, but I don't know anywhere near as much about them as he did, and those other people got eliminated as possibilities for other reasons, the only decent one of them would have been awesome but he was already married.
Were they specifically a group for autistic people?
I kind of have a one track mind lately. I don't know how to get out of this rut and I'm losing faith it'll happen in this lifetime.
I think that’s very normal, natural and if anything, healthy to feel like that. I think you just have to move on, when you’re ready, on your terms. I don’t think it would hurt to take a look around, you don’t have to commit to anything, as long as you’re clear with them about it, which of course you would be.