I'm wondering about Walkie and Graelwyn. 
They should come back.
Graelwyn needs to tell about her cat.
Walkie got kidnapped by her family. Fingers crossed they let her out soon.

thanks for relaying news for me, Pk

Family are out of the way now, but I've been down with one of those ghastly flu-like viruses

. letting everything slide, including I2, cos i just couldn't think straight, and my new prescription glasses (without which i get a headache) seemed to be lost in the post (Actually, the optician forgot that he was going to send them through the post, and was waiting for me to collect. I found that out yesterday, when i finally found the will to look up his number and call him)
Feeling quite a lot better today..except when i survey all the little jobs that badly need doing.
And my prescription glasses really
are in the post now, presumably . And now I just have to hope that the postie delivers to the right address , cos I'm surrounded by vacant student houses, and it's that time of year when the landlords chuck all their former tenants' mail in the bin (My street offers rich pickings for identity thieves. I'veactually caught one at work, called the Police, but they didn't want to know. "Is he going through the bins right now?" "No, he just went round the corner..." "Call us back next time you see him going through the bins ". Heck, i'd just given them a detailed description of the guy, and the very distinctive bag he was carrying , now crammed full of other peoples' private papers. They could have picked him up around the corner , if anyone was near enough to respond. It's not like he was running, He just carried on down the row then
strolled around the corner. He must have known that the Police can't be arsed.)
Anyway, thanks for caring, guys