He's been away from his family, moved to another city. Things aren't exactly a bed of orchids, but the weeds aren't taking over his garden.
He did it, he got out! Good for him! 
Well, kind of. I haven't lived with my biological family since I was 17, I lived with a foster mother until I turned 18 (in 2009), when I was forced to get my own place. I had literally nothing but a computer, an Xbox 360, and a few hundred bucks from my summer job. I did find an apt to live in, though. I settled in, signed up for college, got ran over, got my disability check re-approved in my name, got kicked out of my first apt after a year (because the landlord kicked everyone else out and tried to sell off the place), found my second apt on craigslist which so happened to be just down the street, moved in there, started going to a mental health clinic, dropped out of college, and...
On April 2012, I moved to a low-income apt complex for the disabled and retired, my rent and utilities were FAR cheaper, and I was much closer to downtown. Only catch is that I am not allowed to attend college full-time. Well, not much has happened with my life ever since then. A year ago, I had a friend who lived in the same building, we'd play video games together, kinda fun. But I lost him a few weeks later to an OD. I'm still going to the mental health clinic for medication and counseling... like that's helping.
But I'm stable, not addicted to painkillers or trying to jump off the top of a building or anything really stupid like that. I still have my former foster mother as a friend. I still keep in limited contact with my youngest biological half-sister and my not-so-dear mother. I don't know the whereabouts of my dad, nor do I really want to know. This post took way too long for me to type up, so... I dunno. I hope this doesn't leave you with too many remaining questions. But I might get around to answering them, if I'm not feeling too inadequate to type in plain English.
Have a nice day!


