I think maybe they have good intentions, but as this child gets older and enters preschool, this is going to be hard to do. Society still expects a label, and that's probably not going to change anytime soon.
I screamed every time my mom put me in a dress and was a habitual "stripper" when I figured out how to take stuff off, I hate the color pink, and I loved cars & trucks before I could even talk. But I've never felt anything other than female.
I remember going to a sale and wanting to choke the living crap out of this mother when she smacked her 3-4 yr old son for wanting a doll, then give him the "daddy says, girls play with dolls, boys don't" lecture.

My son had dolls, stuffed animals, cars, etc.
I had cars, trucks, toy guns, and dolls when I was little, and a dirt bike when I got older.
I never believed in limiting someone to certain things because of their gender, I feel when you limit (especially a child) like that you limit them from developing as an individual, period.