Fair enough.
Why wouldn't you rather be good? And a bit of luck is always needed
Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters. Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes 
Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak. But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless. Whats the point of bullying them.
I'm not worried about being out of my bubble. I have problems when I speak to people socially who don't know me well. I don't come across well. They probably think I'm either retarded, stand-offish, or stuck up. I find it awkward and embarrassing. Apart from that issue, I'm very happy to leave my bubble.
What do you suggest that I do? Give all my money to charity, and get a proper job? The truth is I'm very lazy, and have no desire to push myself. I'm happy, and that is the most important thing in the world to me.
I like to be good at some things, like football. I'm a good 5 a side keeper. I also know that I'm fairly smart, and have a good sense of humour. I have no interest in being good at stuff that would give me a normal career though.
I never picked on Penty. I actually got on quite well with him. If he attacked me, I would hurt him. When he was nice to me, I'd be nice to him.
I'm teasing Woodss because I want to. It amuses me to do so. A bit like why I make fun of you. It is now getting boring for me to tease you., so I'm not doing it as much. I feel that Woodss deserves a bit of a teasing for his aggresive religious bullshit. I feel you deserved to be made fun of for your homophobic comments on WP, and the blackmail.
I'm not defending what I've done to Woodss. It's mean. I'm mean.
Lol. You're one of those girls on a dating site that writes "i'm really talkative once you get to know me". Do you stutter? No, that would be stupid. If you have the money, you should start something completely off your own back, but then I guess if it fails, you've got things to fall back on, so... I was actually just saying, that you need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to beat your problems, it was advice, not mocking you there.
Haha, a 5 a side penalty shoot out, you vs me, as in you in goal against me, vice versa, you'd fail miserably

Right, you were quite friendly with panty, but you were too scared to stick up for him properly, cause you'd be outed by the group. You're not the first to be like that.
You don't have much to tease me about, and whatever you do, you probably know I can laugh with you. He's religious, thats his belief, you believe in everyone being sympathetic towards gays, does that mean you deserved to be teased for that? I'm not homophobic, I just don't like gay idiots, or straight idiots. There's a lot of gay idiots on wp. And again, you don't know the full story of the "blackmail", but i'm not gonna drag people down anymore about it. Its finished, let it go. Its more than mean what you and others do to woods, and what you do, thats why I find it hard to believe this successful business woman you project.