I've got a song for butterflies :lol:
"Tell me what it’s like to go outside
I’ve never been
Tell me what it’s like to just go outside
I’ve never been
And I never will"
It's not a problem that I've ever had. I like being outside. I love playing sport, I go for long walks.
If you want to tease me about a problem I do have, then why don't you talk about my social anxiety, or my aversion to physical contact. I am a lot more embarrassed about both of those issues, than about agoraphobia, which I've never suffered from

As we're discussing mental health issue, real or otherwise, what's it like lying in bed wondereing if life is worth living, followed by the horrid realization that for you, it isn't? What does it feel like when your only outlet for expressing your failed life is a self-indulgent uber-emo blog on WP?