Questions ... hmmm .....
And parts no, i'll drop in occassionally though. Instead of going cold turkey. I'm not gonna hang around this time as long as I expected, as I was wrong about mla, especially with his heartfelt email to me saying how I was trying to belittle people. I didn't realise he just pretends to take that kind of thing seriously on wp. Fighting with him isn't gonna be very fun.
You seem to keep coming here every day. What made you change your mind? Was fighting with me more fun than you originally thought?
Obviously i'm not as good as you at this callout business.
So why keep trying so damn hard?
I got banned by sinsboldly for being homophobic
But I thought you weren't homophobic?
Ginger Pubes! I get it now. He thinks I have red hair :lol:
Has it gone grey?
Actually I shaved my head for a cancer fundraiser about a month ago, but before that it was blonde, as it has been since my birth. 
Looked ginger to me. You're in denial 
Who is stalking who now? Is that you in the bush outside my window?

I stopped posting here about a year ago, then came back a couple of months ago when someone told me butterfly posted a twitter account she thought was mine.
Butterflies is a very influential part of your life, isn't she?
And yes, i'm an easy target
Indeed. Again, why do you keep coming back?
Its just another aspie site where this mod can't ban me for being honest, I have to thank you for the oppertunity
I know you don't like hearing about WP, cause you're probably jealous that they have 1000 times more members
Do you understand the concept that in an ad-free environment like I2, more members means higher costs to the owner, not more revenue? What is your assertion that Odeon is jealous because he can't spend more money on this place based on?