Will you be
enough to answer some of my questions, or are you a coward?
I've already told you why. Where do you find all this time to ask so much about me, and dig my interent history up, when you run your own business?
I don't need to spend time looking through your posts. I can find what I need with a 10 second search.
The good thing about running a business that effectively runs itself, is that I don't actually need to do any work. Maybe you should try it some day 
You're a coward Benji. You're also a retarded inbred dingleberry.
So in your book. Homophobic means-even mentioning gay people/person in a negative manner, even if it really wasn't based on gays in general.
Coward- not telling, some weird stalker girl, about your real life details.
No wonder you need so much mothering to get by in the real world. 
I'm not mothered at all. My mum is all but dead to me 
I'm not asking for your life details. I'm asking you to share a little bit of your life. You've asked me awkward questions, and I answered them. I'm asking you to man up and do the same. You have constantly gone on about how much you hate inequality. Prove you walk the walk, and don't just talk the talk.
Homophobia can be many things. Declaring that lesbian sex can not count as sex could be viewed as discrimination 
Yeah, thats what I was thinking of, i've come across girls who seem to think it counts. But it doesn't.
You know what I mean, mothered by your family.
I'm not gonna change what i've always done online, just to proove something to you. And you're full of shit. First, you were asking me those questions cause apparently you wanted to know more about me, and others on the site did, and you were impressed etc, then you said that was just you taking the piss etc etc, now you're asking the questions again to see if I "walk the walk". As much as i'd like to proove you wrong, I don't trust you, so you're wasting your time. Sorry miss.
Thats my opinion, and its probably shared by a lot of others. Sure they can have a type of sex, but not full sex. If a guy fucked a girl with a strap on, would it be seen as full sex? A lot of people would just say its the guy fucking the girl, with a strap on. But each to their own. And I was definitely saying stuff like that to piss people off. I knew it'd work, cause they start to doubt things themselves.