Author Topic: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything  (Read 10183 times)

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #105 on: May 27, 2011, 04:35:19 PM »

Now who is a parrot?  :zoinks:

I was taking the piss out of you, thats what you do when you are too upset to answer questions.  Odeon really got to me there man  :yawn:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #106 on: May 27, 2011, 04:41:12 PM »
Maybe haven't yet read the confirmation email.

I actually never received a confirmation email.

Hi Soph, Butterflies, and everyone else who greeted me so warmly.  Thanks for letting me in, I wasn't sure if i would be welcome.

 :hahaha:   :yawn:
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #107 on: May 27, 2011, 05:22:55 PM »
What about low self esteem?  Low self estee is a different kettle of fish  :orly:  Ok, well maybe you're in denial.

Cause you'd soon make fun of her depression if you didn't like her.  I don't like her, but I wouldn't wish that feeling on her, or anyone actually.

I'm just honest, or stir things up, then people get very offended about non personal stuff, and come crying at me.  I'm nice to people if I see something about them that I like, as a person. 

You can do pretty much anything you want with the back up.  Its people who've become successful, starting from scratch, that I admire.  Who knows, you might always be in a comfort zone, but gawd help you if things do hit the fan.  You don't know how you'll deal with it, cause you've not had to.

Right, and I used to do that on WP.  Cause I only got diagnosed like 4 years ago, and had never been online much.  I just see this site as a warzone, or a laugh. 

I got on pretty well in my second spell on here, and probably would've back then.  There's new tards here now though, and they can't be trusted.

There's a difference in not liking someone, and being really disgusted by their words or actions. I don't really seriously dislike you, but I am disgusted by your actions as Murphycop, and your blackmailing people here. I did lay off your depression until you started mocking me for my issues. What makes you think that it's OK for you to make fun of me for social anxiety, but it's wrong of me to mock your depression? I don't care about you teasing me about my issues. It's all just a bit of fun, but it's pretty pathetic of you to complain about me bringing your issues into it.

I don't expect admiration for what I've had handed to me on a plate. There are people who have built business's from scratch to be worth a tenth of what mine is worth, but  they deserve genuine admiration for their achievements. I have achieved very little. I do have a bit of a talent for scouting property, but I would never claim to be worthy of admiration at all. I'm just lucky, and I've never claimed otherwise.
I do wonder why you keep going on about my business though. I'm certainly not ashamed of it, and I wouldn't swap it for a life of struggle. Why do you feel the need to continually point out the obvious, that if it wasn't for my being given help, I would be a loser like you? I know I would.

There's new tards here now though, and they can't be trusted.

I'm sure that even you admit, that you are the one who has given people most reason to distrust you.

Lol, you can say what you want about my depression, I used to laugh about it myself.  Gotta try and see the funny side in these things.  What I did with murphycop was nothing personal towards you, so its pretty retarded for you to be so upset and disgusted by it.  And come on, plenty of people on here have done much worse, including you, than me saying i'd use stuff to proove and point or piss someone off.  You bring it on yourself, if you tell all this stuff on the forum, then expect it to be used against you.  If you fall out with pretty much any member on here, they'll use it against you too.  Its happened all before, so its funny for them to play the saints.  Like I said, I can laugh about the issues, I was making a point that i'm not the only one who's suffered with depression, so they might look down on you for mocking it.  And just made a point that your sympathy for elle isn't sincere.

Lol, i'm doing ok thanks, off my own back.  I'm saying it, cause your confidence and self esteem is based on luck.  Also thats why you try to protect your self esteem and confidence, by staying in your comfort zone.  If you did go round someone's for a coffee etc, and acted like a tard, you would fall to pieces.

Haha, i've not given any private details away about anyone.  Just look what you and some others are doing to that woods guy.  Its a new low.  Whats the point?  I know he's a dick and a complete tard, but he's not well.  Its an easy target for midlife to bully, I get that.  But humiliating him like you are is crossing the line I think.  If you think he's a twat, why not just have it out with him on his forums or something?

I'm not complaining about you making fun of anything I've told you. It's all fair game. I'm just pointing out that if you mock my social anxiety, I'll mock your depression. I'm having fun with this, and I assume you're getting something out of this as well.

I'm not sure what you think I'm bringing on myself :dunno:

Yes. My confidence and self-esteem are based partly on luck. That doesn't bother me. I'd much rather be lucky than good.
I don't know why I would go to someone's for coffee and act like a tard, and then fall to pieces :dunno: I'm guessing it made sense in your head, but didn't come out right.

The Woodss thing is fun, and a bit cruel. I've never hidden the fact that I have a nasty streak.

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #108 on: May 27, 2011, 05:55:34 PM »
Fair enough.

Why wouldn't you rather be good?  And a bit of luck is always needed :P  Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters.  Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes   :viking:

Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak.  But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless.  Whats the point of bullying them.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #109 on: May 27, 2011, 06:15:12 PM »
Fair enough.

Why wouldn't you rather be good?  And a bit of luck is always needed :P  Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters.  Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes   :viking:

Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak.  But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless.  Whats the point of bullying them.

I'm not worried about being out of my bubble. I have problems when I speak to people socially who don't know me well. I don't come across well. They probably think I'm either retarded, stand-offish, or stuck up. I find it awkward and embarrassing. Apart from that issue, I'm very happy to leave my bubble.
What do you suggest that I do? Give all my money to charity, and get a proper job? The truth is I'm very lazy, and have no desire to push myself. I'm happy, and that is the most important thing in the world to me.

I like to be good at some things, like football. I'm a good 5 a side keeper. I also know that I'm fairly smart, and have a good sense of humour. I have no interest in being good at stuff that would give me a normal career though.

I never picked on Penty. I actually got on quite well with him. If he attacked me, I would hurt him. When he was nice to me, I'd be nice to him.
I'm teasing Woodss because I want to. It amuses me to do so. A bit like why I make fun of you. It is now getting boring for me to tease you., so I'm not doing it as much. I feel that Woodss deserves a bit of a teasing for his aggresive religious bullshit. I feel you deserved to be made fun of for your homophobic comments on WP, and the blackmail.
I'm not defending what I've done to Woodss. It's mean. I'm mean.

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #110 on: May 27, 2011, 06:42:57 PM »
The Woodss thing is all in good fun. They used to treat him worse back in the TAFE days. We're just giving him a good tease - you can't really harm an extremely naive person with teasing.

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #111 on: May 27, 2011, 06:55:17 PM »
The Woodss thing is all in good fun. They used to treat him worse back in the TAFE days. We're just giving him a good tease - you can't really harm an extremely naive person with teasing.

I agree. As Benji is proving, it's hard to pwn someone who is not smart enough to know that they're being pwned. :laugh:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #112 on: May 27, 2011, 06:58:23 PM »
The Woodss thing is all in good fun. They used to treat him worse back in the TAFE days. We're just giving him a good tease - you can't really harm an extremely naive person with teasing.

I agree. As Benji is proving, it's hard to pwn someone who is not smart enough to know that they're being pwned. :laugh:

Tell me how your pwning me, i'm still very curious of this.  And so were other neutrals  :orly:
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #113 on: May 27, 2011, 07:05:40 PM »
The Woodss thing is all in good fun. They used to treat him worse back in the TAFE days. We're just giving him a good tease - you can't really harm an extremely naive person with teasing.

I agree. As Benji is proving, it's hard to pwn someone who is not smart enough to know that they're being pwned. :laugh:

Tell me how your pwning me, i'm still very curious of this.  And so were other neutrals  :orly:

It wasn't just me that was pwning you. There were others pwning you, and quite often you were pwning yourself. In fact, you have self-pwned more than almost anyone I've ever seen :thumbup:
If you don't believe me, then just read over the threads again.

If you still don't believe me, then start a poll and ask the neutrals what they think :-*

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #114 on: May 27, 2011, 07:14:28 PM »
Fair enough.

Why wouldn't you rather be good?  And a bit of luck is always needed :P  Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters.  Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes   :viking:

Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak.  But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless.  Whats the point of bullying them.

I'm not worried about being out of my bubble. I have problems when I speak to people socially who don't know me well. I don't come across well. They probably think I'm either retarded, stand-offish, or stuck up. I find it awkward and embarrassing. Apart from that issue, I'm very happy to leave my bubble.
What do you suggest that I do? Give all my money to charity, and get a proper job? The truth is I'm very lazy, and have no desire to push myself. I'm happy, and that is the most important thing in the world to me.

I like to be good at some things, like football. I'm a good 5 a side keeper. I also know that I'm fairly smart, and have a good sense of humour. I have no interest in being good at stuff that would give me a normal career though.

I never picked on Penty. I actually got on quite well with him. If he attacked me, I would hurt him. When he was nice to me, I'd be nice to him.
I'm teasing Woodss because I want to. It amuses me to do so. A bit like why I make fun of you. It is now getting boring for me to tease you., so I'm not doing it as much. I feel that Woodss deserves a bit of a teasing for his aggresive religious bullshit. I feel you deserved to be made fun of for your homophobic comments on WP, and the blackmail.
I'm not defending what I've done to Woodss. It's mean. I'm mean.

Lol.  You're one of those girls on a dating site that writes "i'm really talkative once you get to know me".  Do you stutter?  No, that would be stupid.  If you have the money, you should start something completely off your own back, but then I guess if it fails, you've got things to fall back on, so...  I was actually just saying, that you need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to beat your problems, it was advice, not mocking you there.

Haha, a 5 a side penalty shoot out, you vs me, as in you in goal against me, vice versa, you'd fail miserably  :orly:

Right, you were quite friendly with panty, but you were too scared to stick up for him properly, cause you'd be outed by the group.  You're not the first to be like that.
You don't have much to tease me about, and whatever you do, you probably know I can laugh with you.  He's religious, thats his belief, you believe in everyone being sympathetic towards gays, does that mean you deserved to be teased for that?  I'm not homophobic, I just don't like gay idiots, or straight idiots.  There's a lot of gay idiots on wp.  And again, you don't know the full story of the "blackmail", but i'm not gonna drag people down anymore about it.  Its finished, let it go.  Its more than mean what you and others do to woods, and what you do, thats why I find it hard to believe this successful business woman you project.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #115 on: May 27, 2011, 07:17:20 PM »
The Woodss thing is all in good fun. They used to treat him worse back in the TAFE days. We're just giving him a good tease - you can't really harm an extremely naive person with teasing.

I agree. As Benji is proving, it's hard to pwn someone who is not smart enough to know that they're being pwned. :laugh:

Tell me how your pwning me, i'm still very curious of this.  And so were other neutrals  :orly:

It wasn't just me that was pwning you. There were others pwning you, and quite often you were pwning yourself. In fact, you have self-pwned more than almost anyone I've ever seen :thumbup:
If you don't believe me, then just read over the threads again.

If you still don't believe me, then start a poll and ask the neutrals what they think :-*

I've been pwned once, and pwned myself once.  But this was way before you were a member.  And obviously i'm not gonna admit these times, cause it would be ammo for you and others  :zoinks: 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #116 on: May 27, 2011, 07:39:40 PM »
Fair enough.

Why wouldn't you rather be good?  And a bit of luck is always needed :P  Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters.  Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes   :viking:

Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak.  But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless.  Whats the point of bullying them.

I'm not worried about being out of my bubble. I have problems when I speak to people socially who don't know me well. I don't come across well. They probably think I'm either retarded, stand-offish, or stuck up. I find it awkward and embarrassing. Apart from that issue, I'm very happy to leave my bubble.
What do you suggest that I do? Give all my money to charity, and get a proper job? The truth is I'm very lazy, and have no desire to push myself. I'm happy, and that is the most important thing in the world to me.

I like to be good at some things, like football. I'm a good 5 a side keeper. I also know that I'm fairly smart, and have a good sense of humour. I have no interest in being good at stuff that would give me a normal career though.

I never picked on Penty. I actually got on quite well with him. If he attacked me, I would hurt him. When he was nice to me, I'd be nice to him.
I'm teasing Woodss because I want to. It amuses me to do so. A bit like why I make fun of you. It is now getting boring for me to tease you., so I'm not doing it as much. I feel that Woodss deserves a bit of a teasing for his aggresive religious bullshit. I feel you deserved to be made fun of for your homophobic comments on WP, and the blackmail.
I'm not defending what I've done to Woodss. It's mean. I'm mean.

Lol.  You're one of those girls on a dating site that writes "i'm really talkative once you get to know me".  Do you stutter?  No, that would be stupid.  If you have the money, you should start something completely off your own back, but then I guess if it fails, you've got things to fall back on, so...  I was actually just saying, that you need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to beat your problems, it was advice, not mocking you there.

Haha, a 5 a side penalty shoot out, you vs me, as in you in goal against me, vice versa, you'd fail miserably  :orly:

Right, you were quite friendly with panty, but you were too scared to stick up for him properly, cause you'd be outed by the group.  You're not the first to be like that.
You don't have much to tease me about, and whatever you do, you probably know I can laugh with you.  He's religious, thats his belief, you believe in everyone being sympathetic towards gays, does that mean you deserved to be teased for that?  I'm not homophobic, I just don't like gay idiots, or straight idiots.  There's a lot of gay idiots on wp.  And again, you don't know the full story of the "blackmail", but i'm not gonna drag people down anymore about it.  Its finished, let it go.  Its more than mean what you and others do to woods, and what you do, thats why I find it hard to believe this successful business woman you project.

Actually, I am very talkative to people I know well. Possibly too talkative. I don't stutter at all.

I wouldn't fail miserably against you :P. I'm a good 5 a side keeper, and have played with and against some good players, some profesional, and always done well. I'm not a great out fielder, and a poor penalty taker though, so I might struggle to score.

I did stick up for Penty at a time. I thought he had changed and I persuaded Soph to go easy on him. Within a day or so, Penty was up to his old bullshit again, and I looked really stupid, so I made it clear that I wasn't going to stick up for him anymore. His behaviour was terrible, and although I didn't have a problem wiith him, I could totally understand why others did.

I don't care if Woodss is religious. He is a total dick about it though. You might have missed it when he went mad and ended up getting banned for it.

You appear to be getting a bit ratty about being teased about your blackmail :P

I don't present myself as a successfull business woman :dunno: I was put in a lucky position by generous family members. What I do is very easy. I could train almost anyone to do what I do.
Do you think that everyone who has a business becomes mature and sensible? I'm the exact same person as I was before I came into money.

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #117 on: May 27, 2011, 08:06:30 PM »
Fair enough.

Why wouldn't you rather be good?  And a bit of luck is always needed :P  Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters.  Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes   :viking:

Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak.  But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless.  Whats the point of bullying them.

I'm not worried about being out of my bubble. I have problems when I speak to people socially who don't know me well. I don't come across well. They probably think I'm either retarded, stand-offish, or stuck up. I find it awkward and embarrassing. Apart from that issue, I'm very happy to leave my bubble.
What do you suggest that I do? Give all my money to charity, and get a proper job? The truth is I'm very lazy, and have no desire to push myself. I'm happy, and that is the most important thing in the world to me.

I like to be good at some things, like football. I'm a good 5 a side keeper. I also know that I'm fairly smart, and have a good sense of humour. I have no interest in being good at stuff that would give me a normal career though.

I never picked on Penty. I actually got on quite well with him. If he attacked me, I would hurt him. When he was nice to me, I'd be nice to him.
I'm teasing Woodss because I want to. It amuses me to do so. A bit like why I make fun of you. It is now getting boring for me to tease you., so I'm not doing it as much. I feel that Woodss deserves a bit of a teasing for his aggresive religious bullshit. I feel you deserved to be made fun of for your homophobic comments on WP, and the blackmail.
I'm not defending what I've done to Woodss. It's mean. I'm mean.

Lol.  You're one of those girls on a dating site that writes "i'm really talkative once you get to know me".  Do you stutter?  No, that would be stupid.  If you have the money, you should start something completely off your own back, but then I guess if it fails, you've got things to fall back on, so...  I was actually just saying, that you need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to beat your problems, it was advice, not mocking you there.

Haha, a 5 a side penalty shoot out, you vs me, as in you in goal against me, vice versa, you'd fail miserably  :orly:

Right, you were quite friendly with panty, but you were too scared to stick up for him properly, cause you'd be outed by the group.  You're not the first to be like that.
You don't have much to tease me about, and whatever you do, you probably know I can laugh with you.  He's religious, thats his belief, you believe in everyone being sympathetic towards gays, does that mean you deserved to be teased for that?  I'm not homophobic, I just don't like gay idiots, or straight idiots.  There's a lot of gay idiots on wp.  And again, you don't know the full story of the "blackmail", but i'm not gonna drag people down anymore about it.  Its finished, let it go.  Its more than mean what you and others do to woods, and what you do, thats why I find it hard to believe this successful business woman you project.

Actually, I am very talkative to people I know well. Possibly too talkative. I don't stutter at all.

I wouldn't fail miserably against you :P. I'm a good 5 a side keeper, and have played with and against some good players, some profesional, and always done well. I'm not a great out fielder, and a poor penalty taker though, so I might struggle to score.

I did stick up for Penty at a time. I thought he had changed and I persuaded Soph to go easy on him. Within a day or so, Penty was up to his old bullshit again, and I looked really stupid, so I made it clear that I wasn't going to stick up for him anymore. His behaviour was terrible, and although I didn't have a problem wiith him, I could totally understand why others did.

I don't care if Woodss is religious. He is a total dick about it though. You might have missed it when he went mad and ended up getting banned for it.

You appear to be getting a bit ratty about being teased about your blackmail :P

I don't present myself as a successfull business woman :dunno: I was put in a lucky position by generous family members. What I do is very easy. I could train almost anyone to do what I do.
Do you think that everyone who has a business becomes mature and sensible? I'm the exact same person as I was before I came into money.

Yep, then you fit the bill lol  :LOL:

"eww, my cat just started licking his butt as I wrote this"  Lol, well exactly, you'd lose.  I'll play with my left foot, and still win  :orly:

What did penty do that was that bad?  It was highly retarded for anyone to get offended about the dead cat stuff, the sick people are the ones who put those pictures on the net.  Same with the buttcoffee child porn stuff.

Lol, I know he is, but he can't help it.  Can you show me what happened then, why he was banned and stuff. 

I was just pissed of about CG lying, but really, i'd prefer to leave it be now, cause its done with. 

Haha, you're making it sound like you're famous.  I just mean, i'd thought you'd have better morals. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #118 on: May 28, 2011, 09:41:21 AM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Ask Benjimanbreeg anything
« Reply #119 on: May 28, 2011, 10:01:06 AM »
Fair enough.

Why wouldn't you rather be good?  And a bit of luck is always needed :P  Just an example, you're worried about being out of your bubble, cause its unknown waters.  Why not put yourself under the whip, challenge yourself, and see if you've got what it takes   :viking:

Well then you for one can stop judging me, everyone has a nasty streak.  But really, it is cruel what you're all doing to him, I mean him, penty, both harmless.  Whats the point of bullying them.

I'm not worried about being out of my bubble. I have problems when I speak to people socially who don't know me well. I don't come across well. They probably think I'm either retarded, stand-offish, or stuck up. I find it awkward and embarrassing. Apart from that issue, I'm very happy to leave my bubble.
What do you suggest that I do? Give all my money to charity, and get a proper job? The truth is I'm very lazy, and have no desire to push myself. I'm happy, and that is the most important thing in the world to me.

I like to be good at some things, like football. I'm a good 5 a side keeper. I also know that I'm fairly smart, and have a good sense of humour. I have no interest in being good at stuff that would give me a normal career though.

I never picked on Penty. I actually got on quite well with him. If he attacked me, I would hurt him. When he was nice to me, I'd be nice to him.
I'm teasing Woodss because I want to. It amuses me to do so. A bit like why I make fun of you. It is now getting boring for me to tease you., so I'm not doing it as much. I feel that Woodss deserves a bit of a teasing for his aggresive religious bullshit. I feel you deserved to be made fun of for your homophobic comments on WP, and the blackmail.
I'm not defending what I've done to Woodss. It's mean. I'm mean.

Lol.  You're one of those girls on a dating site that writes "i'm really talkative once you get to know me".  Do you stutter?  No, that would be stupid.  If you have the money, you should start something completely off your own back, but then I guess if it fails, you've got things to fall back on, so...  I was actually just saying, that you need to get out of your comfort zone if you want to beat your problems, it was advice, not mocking you there.

Haha, a 5 a side penalty shoot out, you vs me, as in you in goal against me, vice versa, you'd fail miserably  :orly:

Right, you were quite friendly with panty, but you were too scared to stick up for him properly, cause you'd be outed by the group.  You're not the first to be like that.
You don't have much to tease me about, and whatever you do, you probably know I can laugh with you.  He's religious, thats his belief, you believe in everyone being sympathetic towards gays, does that mean you deserved to be teased for that?  I'm not homophobic, I just don't like gay idiots, or straight idiots.  There's a lot of gay idiots on wp.  And again, you don't know the full story of the "blackmail", but i'm not gonna drag people down anymore about it.  Its finished, let it go.  Its more than mean what you and others do to woods, and what you do, thats why I find it hard to believe this successful business woman you project.

Actually, I am very talkative to people I know well. Possibly too talkative. I don't stutter at all.

I wouldn't fail miserably against you :P. I'm a good 5 a side keeper, and have played with and against some good players, some profesional, and always done well. I'm not a great out fielder, and a poor penalty taker though, so I might struggle to score.

I did stick up for Penty at a time. I thought he had changed and I persuaded Soph to go easy on him. Within a day or so, Penty was up to his old bullshit again, and I looked really stupid, so I made it clear that I wasn't going to stick up for him anymore. His behaviour was terrible, and although I didn't have a problem wiith him, I could totally understand why others did.

I don't care if Woodss is religious. He is a total dick about it though. You might have missed it when he went mad and ended up getting banned for it.

You appear to be getting a bit ratty about being teased about your blackmail :P

I don't present myself as a successfull business woman :dunno: I was put in a lucky position by generous family members. What I do is very easy. I could train almost anyone to do what I do.
Do you think that everyone who has a business becomes mature and sensible? I'm the exact same person as I was before I came into money.

Yep, then you fit the bill lol  :LOL:

"eww, my cat just started licking his butt as I wrote this"  Lol, well exactly, you'd lose.  I'll play with my left foot, and still win  :orly:

What did penty do that was that bad?  It was highly retarded for anyone to get offended about the dead cat stuff, the sick people are the ones who put those pictures on the net.  Same with the buttcoffee child porn stuff.

Lol, I know he is, but he can't help it.  Can you show me what happened then, why he was banned and stuff. 

I was just pissed of about CG lying, but really, i'd prefer to leave it be now, cause its done with. 

Haha, you're making it sound like you're famous.  I just mean, i'd thought you'd have better morals. 

Penty was never banned. He requested that his account be deleted so that he could get proper help for his problems. He was temporarily blabberized after posting the pics of the dead cats. It was pretty shitty that he chose to post the pics in CGs cat thread, as she hadn't been arguing with him.
I can't really show you any particular examples. Each person will have a different reason for hating him. Every week or so, he would lose the plot, and act like a douche. Often it was a self-pitying emo-rant. Other times he would lash out at others for no reason. Other times he would just try and make fun of people. I personally thought he was harmless.

I'm not sure what you mean about me being famous. If it's for playing football, then absolutely not. It was only 5-a-side. I was a novelty for the people who I played against, but certainly not famous.
If it's for my business, then also no. I do nothing that would get me any fame at all. I'm pretty quiet about things. My family is well known in the town I live in because of who my great uncle is. He owns a lot of businesses in the area. He's more notorious than famous though. He is a very nasty man, and has ruined many peoples lives. He is truly hated in this town. Myself, my cousin, and my aunt and uncle have been doing our best to show that we are decent people, and nothing like my great aunt and uncle. He is a realy vile person, and so was his wife. She is now in the final stages of senile dementia. I doubt if there's one person who has any pity for either of them.

I am not a moral person at all. I can be a vey good person, and a generous person. I can also be a total bitch. I've done some nice things, but I've done some terrible things. I kinda feel that people who are very moral often see things in black and white/good and bad. I see things as shades of grey, and am often happy to do things that would be seen as morally wrong.
Overall I'd say that I'm a lot more good than bad, but that is clearly subjective.