For quite a long time now I've been helping to look after my neice. Every week or so I bring her away and do we do stuff. Usually it's just a trip through to the city, or a drive to McDonalds, or to get ice-cream. She's 13 and a great kid, and TBH it's one of the highlights of my week

I don't want to lose this relationship with her, but her mum is starting to drive me nuts. At first it was just baby-sitting my niece, with no real relationship with her mum, but recently she has started to try and become friends with me and my friends. We all love my little cousin, but none of us can be bothered with her mum.
I don't hate her, but I find her pathetic. She's in her late 30's and reasonably good looking for her age, and "seperated" from my cousins dad. My cousins dad has relationships with women, and obviously just sees her as an easy lay when he's bored. She has started to invite herself to our house, and drinks our wine while constantly moaning about her relationship with him.
I think it shows an amazing lack of self-respect and dignity that she is prepared to let him walk all over her and screw her at will, while she turns down other men because of her "relationship" with him. She's not getting any younger, and is going to end up a sad lonely angry old lady. I've obviously tried to give her advice, but like all women in that situation, she won't listen because she thinks he loves her

I find it almost impossible to continue to offer her sympathy. I find her pathetic. I can't understand how any woman could allow herself to be treated in such a degrading way. I find it degrading just listening to her

Obviously I should just stop being friends with her, but if I do that I will lose my relationship with my little cousin, and I would find that really sad.
I'm really just venting here. I'm not looking for advice, because there is none. If I want to have a relationship with my little cousin, then I need to put up with her mum. I just try and make excuses not to meet up with her. I just wish she would stop seeing us as her friends