Squid- I mean I don't work at asda. Though I wouldn't look down on anyone who did, especially an aspie with any job, as there are a lot of people on the spectrum who don't work. You're a little puppet silly squid. And I was just telling you how it is, butterfly tried to make me look homophobic, and failed to do so, I got our wires crossed, so she made me look a bit retarded like that, but its nothing new to the members on here, i've done that plenty of times by not reading through someone's post enough. I don't think anyone takes you seriously do they? Especially in real life. I can see you and butterfly as unemployable. And yes squid, I went offline. Cause some of us have other things to do.
Butterfly- Yeah, I thought as much. I didn't expect you could start your own business without your family nursing you.
Of course you wouldn't need to do any real work, they would be stupid to put you in that situation, imagine you(who looks 10 years old) going to meet some business associate, he'd probably be like "can you go and get your daddy for me?) So yes, thats why you lack common sense, you've been hidden from the real world. But it isn't your fault. I've been in a hole and dug myself out.
I've tried to be reasonable with you, and get to the bottom of what your problem with me is all about. You've prooved it has sod all to do with homophobia. You look very immature and pathetic, with your big moving letters routine. You and squid are just little kids, and have shown yourself to be. I think everyone else is bored of all this crappy arguing.
Social anxiety is just another label, thats been created by modern society. Its an excuse for you to stay in your comfort zone. Getting past it would help you develop a backbone.
I haven't failed to make you look homophobic. Your comments on WP as Murphycop were hugely homophobic. If you can't see that, then you have no idea what homophobia is. Of course, spouting homophobic bullshit doesn't mean that you are homophobic. I do believe that you are homophobic, but your lack of command of written English, allied with your obvious confusion over what homophobia really is, leaves you unable to properly articulate your opinions one way or another on the matter. I can't argue with you about what you feel. I can only tell you that what you have written on WP was offensive, and downright homophobic, and your continued failure to see that only makes you look more homophobic.
Believe it or not, I'm pretty good at meeting business associates. Unsurpisingly, you fail to understand what social anxiety is. It is not agoraphobia, and it is not an inability to express myself verbally. For me it is a difficulty in meeting new people in a social setting. When I am meeting someone to discuss something involving business, I come across extremely well. I appear intelligent, and knowledgeable about my business. I am polite, courteous, and thoughtfull. I only start to struggle when they decide to invite me for a coffee and I have to engage with them in a social setting. I do admit, that is a struggle, but nowhere near enough to affect the success of my business.
Most people who try and mock me because of what I do for a living tend to look very jealous. It's hard for you not to, when at 21 I've possibly already earned more than you will earn in your lifetime.
You've asked me what I do for a living, and I have told you. You've asked me about my problems, and I've told you, no matter how embarrasing they are. Instead of accusing me of cowardice for my social anxiety, and my phobic dislike of physical contact, why don't you show us that you aren't an absolute coward, and answer some similar questions about yourself?
What do you do for a living? It must be pretty good, if you are in a position to look down your nose at my occupation.
Tell us a little about your "girlfriend"
You have refered in one or two posts about problems that relate to autism. Could you describe them?
What are your real life friends like? What type of people are they?
Tell us about your sporting career.
Explain why, despite having such an epic social life, your combined posts here, and on WP, as both Benji and Murphycop, put most post-whores to shame.
Feel free to discuss anything that you feel I have left out. I am interested in getting to know a little bit about the real Benjimanbreeg.
Failure to answer at least some of the questions will see you branded as a complete coward.
Don't bother answering the personal questions in this thread. I have created an ask away thread for you. You can answer them in that thread.