
Author Topic: The reason for my (lack of) hostility towards Benji  (Read 10942 times)

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2011, 10:07:49 AM »
A good way to recognize a homophobe is when he says something as silly as "I once had lunch with a gay"  :LOL:

A racist when he says something as silly as "I once even slept in the same room as a black"  :LOL:

Most people don't consider the above instances to be accomplishments.

not to get involved with this whole debate, but i love when racists say "i have a black friend!"

this one guy at this other forum did that a lot, untill he got banned for spreading white-power propaganda...

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2011, 10:13:50 AM »
A good way to recognize a homophobe is when he says something as silly as "I once had lunch with a gay"  :LOL:

A racist when he says something as silly as "I once even slept in the same room as a black"  :LOL:

Most people don't consider the above instances to be accomplishments.

I know thats what some people would say, and i'm not saying it is an accomplishment.  I bought it up cause Butterflies seems to imply that i'm disgusted by gays and blacks.  Like I said, it has nothing to do with it.  I could flip it around and point out, that if I was living in some backward part of America, i'd be against the real homophobic people.  And the racism stuff, I just think our country is losing its culture.  If I go on holiday to China, I wouldn't wanna feel like I was in England.  London doesn't really resemble England, and its not just cause of colour.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2011, 11:05:45 AM »

You've gone back to this now Glenn?  And don't make out you're all upset about the CG midlife things, its deeper than that.  I noticed you were getting bitchy before that, after I didn't answer your psycho questions about me, and the fauxsexual thread.  

You seem like the kind of tard that will call a spade a digging tool.  To think someone like me is homophobic, really shows how shut off from the world you are.  My agenda with murhycop was attack wp's huge double standards.  There's a transgender forum, but not a men's.  What the hell is with that.  If you go back to my first post, it was about "human rights", if I remember correctly.  When I was first banned, it when some pantygram lookalike gay guy, who said something like "I like a good cock in my arse".  And I said that was too much info.  Not just cause I don't wanna hear about it, but cause he was an oth.  Then he asked me if I wasn't just a complete fucking retard, instead of having AS.  And that I should go and kill myself.  Now after that, sins gave me a warning, then banned me for being "hompophobic".  When I explained to Alex about the situation, he just said "wah, human rights man".  Coming from a cunt who's against freedom of speech, thats rich.  I noticed a lot of shit like that happens on the site, if you're female, transexual or gay, or some complete liberal hypocrite, you'll get away with saying things, that would have you banned, if you were a straight guy with views an inch of a liberal fanatic.  I proved that when I had a female troll, to piss of sins, I said worse things with her than ever, but wasn't banned untill I told everyone who I was.  I'm wondering if you do have this moronic view that "wah, he hates blacks and gays, he's a nazi", or its your new idea to bring me down.  I think the real reason for all this is cause I said you were a fake lesbian, and holy shit did it hit a nerve!  I'm not against blacks and gays, i'm against double standards, especially when they affect me.  I've got black friends, and Muslims friends.  I've had black people sleep in the same room as me  :o  when we were friends as kids.  I've been out to lunch with a gay guy, with just me and him on the table, and probably the whole town knows he's gay.  Not sure i'd have done all this if I was the kind of person you're making me out to be.  You're the real retard for having such black and white judgement skills.  And I didn't expect Soph to start eating out of your hand.  I know you fancy Butterflies Soph, but you're not that naive are you?

You have been saying constantly that you are a victim of the "sheeptard" mentality on this site. I am explaining to you, and anyone who's dumb enough to believe a word that you say, that I am not following a group. I think that you are a vile little homophobic man-child because of the thngs that you said on WP. That is the main reason why I dislike you. You have done other things, such as blackmail, that have confirmed to me that you are a revloting individual.

Your only real argument against what I've said, is that you ate dinner with a gay guy, and slept in a room with a black guy. I don't even think I suggested you were racist :dunno: Eating with a gay guy does not stop you from being homophobic :facepalm2:

I don't remember you calling me a fake lesbian. I'm not even sure what a fake lesbian is :dunno: If you are seriously accusing someone of pretending to be gay, then I think you are fucked up in the head.

You say that your attitudes were because you were butthurt about WP having a GLBT forum. That just made you look pathetic. Implying that being openly gay is rubbing peoples face in it is disgusting. You have written a whole lot of bullshit, but not bothered to say anything about that comment. I'm guessing that even you know that it's indefencible.

You have openly stated that you can't blame people for being offended by people being openly gay. How the fuck is that not seriously homophobic?

Please explain it to me, without telling me how you can't be homophobic because you had dinner with a gay guy.

Even if you think you were trolling WP, how the fuck can you justify telling a gay person that you can't blame people for being offended by gays, when the gays are rubbing peoples faces in it by being openly gay?

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2011, 11:17:09 AM »
A good way to recognize a homophobe is when he says something as silly as "I once had lunch with a gay"  :LOL:

A racist when he says something as silly as "I once even slept in the same room as a black"  :LOL:

Most people don't consider the above instances to be accomplishments.

I know thats what some people would say, and i'm not saying it is an accomplishment.  I bought it up cause Butterflies seems to imply that i'm disgusted by gays and blacks.  Like I said, it has nothing to do with it.  I could flip it around and point out, that if I was living in some backward part of America, i'd be against the real homophobic people.  And the racism stuff, I just think our country is losing its culture.  If I go on holiday to China, I wouldn't wanna feel like I was in England.  London doesn't really resemble England, and its not just cause of colour.

I might be forgetting something, but where did I accuse you of being racist?

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2011, 11:19:53 AM »
Again Butterflies, there's more to this than you let on.  And you really are looking horribly butthurt and pathetic yourself.  When your blackmail sob story run out of steam, you've resorted back to this drivel.  When you hadn't mentioned it for months, then what, you suddenly just remember?  Who knows if you're a lesbian or not.  But as you've said, you have a phobia of contact with people, and I assume you're just a complete wimp, who's scared to be with a man, same as bint, but at least she could admit it.  To be honest, its not something i'm worrying about, it was more of a wind up than anything.  

And yeah, if someone doesn't wanna see two men kissing in front of them, I can understand that.  Cause who the fuck has the right to decide what we express, what we think and how we feel?  Just like the gay couple should have every right to kiss wherever they want.  Can you see what i'm saying, honestly?  I'm not against gay people kissing in public, and i'm not in favour of people who don't want to see it.  I'm in favour of people being able to have a mind of their own.
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"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2011, 11:22:20 AM »
A good way to recognize a homophobe is when he says something as silly as "I once had lunch with a gay"  :LOL:

A racist when he says something as silly as "I once even slept in the same room as a black"  :LOL:

Most people don't consider the above instances to be accomplishments.

I know thats what some people would say, and i'm not saying it is an accomplishment.  I bought it up cause Butterflies seems to imply that i'm disgusted by gays and blacks.  Like I said, it has nothing to do with it.  I could flip it around and point out, that if I was living in some backward part of America, i'd be against the real homophobic people.  And the racism stuff, I just think our country is losing its culture.  If I go on holiday to China, I wouldn't wanna feel like I was in England.  London doesn't really resemble England, and its not just cause of colour.

I might be forgetting something, but where did I accuse you of being racist?

I'm sure you were one of the people making out I was racist on WP, but I apologise if you weren't. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2011, 11:34:00 AM »
Again Butterflies, there's more to this than you let on.  And you really are looking horribly butthurt and pathetic yourself.  When your blackmail sob story run out of steam, you've resorted back to this drivel.  When you hadn't mentioned it for months, then what, you suddenly just remember?  Who knows if you're a lesbian or not.  But as you've said, you have a phobia of contact with people, and I assume you're just a complete wimp, who's scared to be with a man, same as bint, but at least she could admit it.  To be honest, its not something i'm worrying about, it was more of a wind up than anything.  

And yeah, if someone doesn't wanna see two men kissing in front of them, I can understand that.  Cause who the fuck has the right to decide what we express, what we think and how we feel?  Just like the gay couple should have every right to kiss wherever they want.  Can you see what i'm saying, honestly?  I'm not against gay people kissing in public, and i'm not in favour of people who don't want to see it.  I'm in favour of people being able to have a mind of their own.

I suppose I have to admit that I may be butthurt at your homophobic bullshit. It is something that I find upsetting. Dunno if butthurt is the right word, but maybe it is.

I was attracted to girls long before I had a phobia of physical contact.

I have came out with this stuff because you are accusing us all of "sheeptarded" behaviour. I am bringing this up to show that my attitude towards you has nothing to do with following the herd, and everything to do with you being a homophobic freak.

I'll quote the worst part of your homophobic shit again. You seem to be having difficulty giving a reasonable response.

Me: I wouldn't say we've got it all that good at all. I've remained in the closet to avoid the trouble and harrasment that comes with being openly gay. I know a few gay people in the town that I live in, and they can't walk down the street without being verbally abused. They have regularly had their property vandalized. And on top of that gay marriage is still not allowed, and AFAIK in the case of gays who have married abroad, still not legally recognized.

Benji: Well sorry you're put in that situation, i'm not saying the country has no homophobes left in it, but as far as the media goes, you can't say a bad word against gay people. How did people know that couple were gay, or did they just assume cause they were living together? Being against homosexuals is fair enough I guess, but when they start bullying them and vandalizing their property, they need to be dealt with by the police. But for criminal damage and verbal abuse, they shouldn't be punished more severely cause the incidents were aimed at gay people.

Me: The gay people that I was talking about are openly gay. They make no secret of their sexuality.

Benji: Well I guess a lot of people still don't like it shoved in their faces. I can't really blame them for that, its no excuse to do what they did though.

I've already told you on WP that the people don't go down the road kissing. You are full of shit Benji :thumbdn:

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2011, 11:35:41 AM »
A good way to recognize a homophobe is when he says something as silly as "I once had lunch with a gay"  :LOL:

A racist when he says something as silly as "I once even slept in the same room as a black"  :LOL:

Most people don't consider the above instances to be accomplishments.

I know thats what some people would say, and i'm not saying it is an accomplishment.  I bought it up cause Butterflies seems to imply that i'm disgusted by gays and blacks.  Like I said, it has nothing to do with it.  I could flip it around and point out, that if I was living in some backward part of America, i'd be against the real homophobic people.  And the racism stuff, I just think our country is losing its culture.  If I go on holiday to China, I wouldn't wanna feel like I was in England.  London doesn't really resemble England, and its not just cause of colour.

I might be forgetting something, but where did I accuse you of being racist?

I'm sure you were one of the people making out I was racist on WP, but I apologise if you weren't. 

That's one of your problems, Benji. You don't know how to back up your shit. You just say things without thinking and then end up having to apologise before you didn't bother to check before posting.
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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2011, 11:39:49 AM »
A good way to recognize a homophobe is when he says something as silly as "I once had lunch with a gay"  :LOL:

A racist when he says something as silly as "I once even slept in the same room as a black"  :LOL:

Most people don't consider the above instances to be accomplishments.

I know thats what some people would say, and i'm not saying it is an accomplishment.  I bought it up cause Butterflies seems to imply that i'm disgusted by gays and blacks.  Like I said, it has nothing to do with it.  I could flip it around and point out, that if I was living in some backward part of America, i'd be against the real homophobic people.  And the racism stuff, I just think our country is losing its culture.  If I go on holiday to China, I wouldn't wanna feel like I was in England.  London doesn't really resemble England, and its not just cause of colour.

I might be forgetting something, but where did I accuse you of being racist?

I'm sure you were one of the people making out I was racist on WP, but I apologise if you weren't. 

That's one of your problems, Benji. You don't know how to back up your shit. You just say things without thinking and then end up having to apologise before you didn't bother to check before posting.

I obviously don't care as much as her, and wouldn't bother trawling wp threads to proove a point, unless I really cared.  But I agree, I can jump the gun, i'm only human  :violin:
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2011, 11:45:12 AM »
If you didn't care you'd stop posting. If you thought she was wrong you'd try arguing against her points.
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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2011, 11:50:51 AM »
Again Butterflies, there's more to this than you let on.  And you really are looking horribly butthurt and pathetic yourself.  When your blackmail sob story run out of steam, you've resorted back to this drivel.  When you hadn't mentioned it for months, then what, you suddenly just remember?  Who knows if you're a lesbian or not.  But as you've said, you have a phobia of contact with people, and I assume you're just a complete wimp, who's scared to be with a man, same as bint, but at least she could admit it.  To be honest, its not something i'm worrying about, it was more of a wind up than anything.  

And yeah, if someone doesn't wanna see two men kissing in front of them, I can understand that.  Cause who the fuck has the right to decide what we express, what we think and how we feel?  Just like the gay couple should have every right to kiss wherever they want.  Can you see what i'm saying, honestly?  I'm not against gay people kissing in public, and i'm not in favour of people who don't want to see it.  I'm in favour of people being able to have a mind of their own.

I suppose I have to admit that I may be butthurt at your homophobic bullshit. It is something that I find upsetting. Dunno if butthurt is the right word, but maybe it is.

I was attracted to girls long before I had a phobia of physical contact.

I have came out with this stuff because you are accusing us all of "sheeptarded" behaviour. I am bringing this up to show that my attitude towards you has nothing to do with following the herd, and everything to do with you being a homophobic freak.

I'll quote the worst part of your homophobic shit again. You seem to be having difficulty giving a reasonable response.

Me: I wouldn't say we've got it all that good at all. I've remained in the closet to avoid the trouble and harrasment that comes with being openly gay. I know a few gay people in the town that I live in, and they can't walk down the street without being verbally abused. They have regularly had their property vandalized. And on top of that gay marriage is still not allowed, and AFAIK in the case of gays who have married abroad, still not legally recognized.

Benji: Well sorry you're put in that situation, i'm not saying the country has no homophobes left in it, but as far as the media goes, you can't say a bad word against gay people. How did people know that couple were gay, or did they just assume cause they were living together? Being against homosexuals is fair enough I guess, but when they start bullying them and vandalizing their property, they need to be dealt with by the police. But for criminal damage and verbal abuse, they shouldn't be punished more severely cause the incidents were aimed at gay people.

Me: The gay people that I was talking about are openly gay. They make no secret of their sexuality.

Benji: Well I guess a lot of people still don't like it shoved in their faces. I can't really blame them for that, its no excuse to do what they did though.

I've already told you on WP that the people don't go down the road kissing. You are full of shit Benji :thumbdn:

What people don't go down the road kissing?  Wasn't that thread about the gay couple kissing in a pub and them being chucked out.  You can't blame me for how homosexuals are viewed in certain areas.  I've explained that if people are against gays, then that is THEIR CHOICE.  And I can't blame them, cause seeing two men kissing doesn't do much for me.  This is one subject where i'm pretty neutral, compared to the real culprits anyway.  Go and tell them what you think, if you've got any guts.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2011, 11:57:29 AM »
If you didn't care you'd stop posting. If you thought she was wrong you'd try arguing against her points.

I didn't say that I didn't care!  I said I didn't care as much as her, go back and read what I wrote.  Now who's jumping the gun?  :orly:  I expect an apology  :zoinks:  I am arguing against her points.  I'll let her off her black and white tardation, for being an aspie.  I'm not that wound up and bothered about her silly accusations, cause thats all they are, silly.  If she was throwing this tripe towards me in real life, i'd just say...

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2011, 12:04:33 PM »
Again Butterflies, there's more to this than you let on.  And you really are looking horribly butthurt and pathetic yourself.  When your blackmail sob story run out of steam, you've resorted back to this drivel.  When you hadn't mentioned it for months, then what, you suddenly just remember?  Who knows if you're a lesbian or not.  But as you've said, you have a phobia of contact with people, and I assume you're just a complete wimp, who's scared to be with a man, same as bint, but at least she could admit it.  To be honest, its not something i'm worrying about, it was more of a wind up than anything.  

And yeah, if someone doesn't wanna see two men kissing in front of them, I can understand that.  Cause who the fuck has the right to decide what we express, what we think and how we feel?  Just like the gay couple should have every right to kiss wherever they want.  Can you see what i'm saying, honestly?  I'm not against gay people kissing in public, and i'm not in favour of people who don't want to see it.  I'm in favour of people being able to have a mind of their own.

I suppose I have to admit that I may be butthurt at your homophobic bullshit. It is something that I find upsetting. Dunno if butthurt is the right word, but maybe it is.

I was attracted to girls long before I had a phobia of physical contact.

I have came out with this stuff because you are accusing us all of "sheeptarded" behaviour. I am bringing this up to show that my attitude towards you has nothing to do with following the herd, and everything to do with you being a homophobic freak.

I'll quote the worst part of your homophobic shit again. You seem to be having difficulty giving a reasonable response.

Me: I wouldn't say we've got it all that good at all. I've remained in the closet to avoid the trouble and harrasment that comes with being openly gay. I know a few gay people in the town that I live in, and they can't walk down the street without being verbally abused. They have regularly had their property vandalized. And on top of that gay marriage is still not allowed, and AFAIK in the case of gays who have married abroad, still not legally recognized.

Benji: Well sorry you're put in that situation, i'm not saying the country has no homophobes left in it, but as far as the media goes, you can't say a bad word against gay people. How did people know that couple were gay, or did they just assume cause they were living together? Being against homosexuals is fair enough I guess, but when they start bullying them and vandalizing their property, they need to be dealt with by the police. But for criminal damage and verbal abuse, they shouldn't be punished more severely cause the incidents were aimed at gay people.

Me: The gay people that I was talking about are openly gay. They make no secret of their sexuality.

Benji: Well I guess a lot of people still don't like it shoved in their faces. I can't really blame them for that, its no excuse to do what they did though.

I've already told you on WP that the people don't go down the road kissing. You are full of shit Benji :thumbdn:

What people don't go down the road kissing?  Wasn't that thread about the gay couple kissing in a pub and them being chucked out.  You can't blame me for how homosexuals are viewed in certain areas.  I've explained that if people are against gays, then that is THEIR CHOICE.  And I can't blame them, cause seeing two men kissing doesn't do much for me.  This is one subject where i'm pretty neutral, compared to the real culprits anyway.  Go and tell them what you think, if you've got any guts.
No Benji. The conversation we are discussing was in the "gay marriages and civil partnerships in church" thread. You're obviously getting mixed up about what homophobic shit you posted in each thread.

I was pointing out that the gay couple who I was discussing don't kiss in public, you are talking about a gay couple from a completely different WP thread where you also inflicted your vile opinions.

And no Cockbreath, I don't have the guts to tell the homophobic people in my town what I think of them. If I do I will be making life hell for me, and my family.

You have clearly stated that people who are openly gay are rubbing peoples faces in it. I have provided a link to the conversation. Maybe the majority of people don't give a fuck, but I do. It's because of people like you that I have chosen to remain in the closet.


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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2011, 12:06:57 PM »
If you're near a gay, run away.
Around blacks, never relax.


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Re: The reason for my hostility towards Benji
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2011, 12:34:19 PM »
Again Butterflies, there's more to this than you let on.  And you really are looking horribly butthurt and pathetic yourself.  When your blackmail sob story run out of steam, you've resorted back to this drivel.  When you hadn't mentioned it for months, then what, you suddenly just remember?  Who knows if you're a lesbian or not.  But as you've said, you have a phobia of contact with people, and I assume you're just a complete wimp, who's scared to be with a man, same as bint, but at least she could admit it.  To be honest, its not something i'm worrying about, it was more of a wind up than anything.  

And yeah, if someone doesn't wanna see two men kissing in front of them, I can understand that.  Cause who the fuck has the right to decide what we express, what we think and how we feel?  Just like the gay couple should have every right to kiss wherever they want.  Can you see what i'm saying, honestly?  I'm not against gay people kissing in public, and i'm not in favour of people who don't want to see it.  I'm in favour of people being able to have a mind of their own.

I suppose I have to admit that I may be butthurt at your homophobic bullshit. It is something that I find upsetting. Dunno if butthurt is the right word, but maybe it is.

I was attracted to girls long before I had a phobia of physical contact.

I have came out with this stuff because you are accusing us all of "sheeptarded" behaviour. I am bringing this up to show that my attitude towards you has nothing to do with following the herd, and everything to do with you being a homophobic freak.

I'll quote the worst part of your homophobic shit again. You seem to be having difficulty giving a reasonable response.

Me: I wouldn't say we've got it all that good at all. I've remained in the closet to avoid the trouble and harrasment that comes with being openly gay. I know a few gay people in the town that I live in, and they can't walk down the street without being verbally abused. They have regularly had their property vandalized. And on top of that gay marriage is still not allowed, and AFAIK in the case of gays who have married abroad, still not legally recognized.

Benji: Well sorry you're put in that situation, i'm not saying the country has no homophobes left in it, but as far as the media goes, you can't say a bad word against gay people. How did people know that couple were gay, or did they just assume cause they were living together? Being against homosexuals is fair enough I guess, but when they start bullying them and vandalizing their property, they need to be dealt with by the police. But for criminal damage and verbal abuse, they shouldn't be punished more severely cause the incidents were aimed at gay people.

Me: The gay people that I was talking about are openly gay. They make no secret of their sexuality.

Benji: Well I guess a lot of people still don't like it shoved in their faces. I can't really blame them for that, its no excuse to do what they did though.

I've already told you on WP that the people don't go down the road kissing. You are full of shit Benji :thumbdn:

What people don't go down the road kissing?  Wasn't that thread about the gay couple kissing in a pub and them being chucked out.  You can't blame me for how homosexuals are viewed in certain areas.  I've explained that if people are against gays, then that is THEIR CHOICE.  And I can't blame them, cause seeing two men kissing doesn't do much for me.  This is one subject where i'm pretty neutral, compared to the real culprits anyway.  Go and tell them what you think, if you've got any guts.
No Benji. The conversation we are discussing was in the "gay marriages and civil partnerships in church" thread. You're obviously getting mixed up about what homophobic shit you posted in each thread.

I was pointing out that the gay couple who I was discussing don't kiss in public, you are talking about a gay couple from a completely different WP thread where you also inflicted your vile opinions.

And no Cockbreath, I don't have the guts to tell the homophobic people in my town what I think of them. If I do I will be making life hell for me, and my family.

You have clearly stated that people who are openly gay are rubbing peoples faces in it. I have provided a link to the conversation. Maybe the majority of people don't give a fuck, but I do. It's because of people like you that I have chosen to remain in the closet.

"People like me"  that made me laugh.  Who said I have a problem seeing 2 women kissing.  I'd have to question the woman's mentality, who was in a relationship with you though.

Its pointless me trying to explain myself, if you are just accusing me of lying. 

You're frustrated at the situation you're in, and can't express yourself at the real people you're angry at, so you want to blame me for all your problems?

Yep, and seeing a man and woman with their tongues down each others throats is distasteful.  And if someone doesn't see 2 people of the same sex kissing, natural.  Then I wouldn't blame them for having that view.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry: