To be honest.
OK I may as well say it. I did think for a good time that I was going crazy. The episodes would frighten me in the way that someone suddenly jumping behind you and screaming boo might frighten you. Except about 10 times worse. Heart would race and what have you and all muscles bunched tight. That was not nearly the worse thing. What scared shit out of me is that it made no sense.
Here is how it goes. You are comfy in your bed you are dropping off to sleep the mind is shutting down and body relaxing. Then....
Someone in the dark hits you with mo little impact hard on the top of the head with a thick wooden board and you hear the sound and "feel" the impact the body reacts accordingly. Head forced down into your neck from the impact, legs raised up, arms pressed protectively in.....then nothing. You have had the impact but no pain. The only physical sensation is the bunched up muscles and the ultra sensitive state and the racing of your heart. There is no pain.
There was impact and sound but no pain or weapon or wielder of such a weapon.
I used to look for burglars. I can remember a couple of times thinking. Fuck! What if I WAS hit, heard it before passing out and now I have woken after the pain has shifted thinking I was not knocked out and in the meantime the burglar is still perhaps around? Nope.
Maybe there was something falling over nearby making a crash and it just felt close? Nope.
To be honest until I read about this condition I thought I was losing my mind and not so happy about the prospect.
It tends to happen when i am suffering from insomnia and/or when stressed with life (ironically that is not something that soothes)
As to what to do. Now I just grumble at it. I guess you all may find that hard to imagine.