So, why do you think I dislike you then?
I've already explained why, you've read everything i've ever written on the internet, so work it out for yourself.
And no soph, I know you want her. But what are you all bitchy about? You really can't deal with opinions that don't help your situation do you 
I might have missed it, but I don't think I've seen you explain why you think I dislike you. The closest I've seen you come to explaining it is when you said that you think you hit a raw nerve with something you said on this site, and that there's more to my dislike of you than meets the eye.
I'm sure even you realize that's getting a bit close to paranoid wackjob territory, so why don't you just explain why you think I dislike you.
Is it because you have sprayed homophobic pish around WP, like a cat marking it's territory, or is it because of some silly pointless comment you made on this site, after it was already pretty clear what I thought of you?