@ whom it may concern
During the first callout between MLA and Benj (the one where MLA had told Benj he was banned
On WP) I had to laugh at the term ‘midwife’. Callaway also saw this was quite funny and she
Made a comment indicating if he ever did show up for this callout she would have to ‘yay’ him for
It. I made a mental note to do the same.
Continue to

who you want to. benj, mla and everyone else should keep you out of this happy horse shit unless you choose to take part.
As much as I like that person, I think her positive reinforcement is what is maintaining him here. If he is a socially retarded mental midget, then I am fine with continuing to use him as target practice, but if he is literally mentally retarded I am beginning to feel like a bit of an asshole.
MLA referring to you here is as much bs as anything benj has said. benj is responsible for his own conduct - no one else.
He may only appear to speak to me, but that is not a fact in which to base an assumption on. I think
he speaks to others here but they have not made any comments for one reason or another.
I still don’t get why I am implicated here? ‘away from the sheeptards’ could be read to mean away
From this forum. I have only spoken to him here, so never really ‘away from the sheeptards’ I think
he could be referring to someone at WP or someone who is no longer posting here.
He could be pulling a bunch of stuff out of his ass. I think he is to a great extent since he is failing to back up any assertions he makes. I have made few comments because I mostly did not care about WP stuff that mla called him out for. As for blackmail, I fail to see how it is okay to use on a WP member but not here. One thing benj is doing is successfully trolling a few members of this forum. I know when that syphilitic cunt Meadow was here I knew she was trolling, but I was having fun responding so it is quite possible that mla, odeon and Butterflies are enjoying the back and forth.
As I won’t quote from my private messages I will just say i did not say that.
Good enough for me. The character you have shown in your posts does not support any such shit.
Have to wonder why I am automatically associated with anything Benj says.
It makes no sense to me either.
but by far the worst insinuation so far
I'm not really sure what it means. He calls himself "Emlion's piece of meat" on WP because his MO is to pick out a lady and "work his magic" (can you guess who he picked here this time?),
so from your response it was referring to me
Bodie -
Nobody has ever said you are in a relationship with Benji or that you have feelings for Benji. What I said was he picks a single female member and goes to work on her. By "working his magic" on you I mean that he is engaging in thoughtful and intelligent conversation with you in PM, something that even you have to admit he is certainly not doing anywhere else on the boards, or in PM with anyone else either.
And it appears to be working inasmuch as he has you convinced that I2 is a group of bullies who gang up on certain members, or at least you say so to him directly when you plus his karma:
To me "working his magic" implies that i was somehow brainwashed by Benj.
I have to go to bed now but i will continue this tomorrow
I don't buy that bullshit. I also don't buy the "with us, or against us" attitude that I infer from it. benj has shown, to my satisfaction at least, a willingness to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. In spite of that being manifestly obvious IMO mla, and possibly others, appear to be willing to blame bodie for benj's conduct. If I am wrong about this please clarify the situation for me.